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they could clearly see where Ward and Gavin were going to meet. It started to rain so Liz was next to soaked as JJ used himself to cover her body as much as possible. They peaked over the fence they were behind so they could stay hidden, but still get good footage "Nice Camera, where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ commented on the camera Pope had with him "Why don't you just use your phone?"

"Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away"

"Lord of the dorks" Liz commented and Kie nodded her head

"For definitive proof of witness payoff we're gonna need quality glass— there he is" They saw Ward running down the street, seeing him carrying a bag

"Yo get down" they ducked behind the fence for a moment

"And there's Gavin"

"Where are you going you sun of a bitch?" They watched as they both went to where they couldn't see them for a moment

"No, no, no, no I'm losing him"

"Shit, Wheres he going?"

"Hold on" JJ jumped down from the fence and ran back a bit "yo. Hey, I think I found something. Come here" JJ waved them over and followed him to a ladder

"Hurray, don't wanna miss anything"

"Are you getting it?" Kie asked as they waited

"Yeah, I see them" Pope said as they saw Gavin and Ward get up to the top. "Ward jsut handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffel bag"

"Guys I think this is a payoff" JJ told them

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward."


"I don't know but he sure looks mad"

Liz watched as things looked to be getting more heated. Suddenly Gavin and Ward started fighting, and it didn't look like Gavin was winning.

"What's going on?"

"I dunno. There fighting over something"

"They're really going at it"

"Wards kicking the shit out of Gavin."

"Why are they fighting?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to see—Holy shit, Wards gotta gun" Pope announced to them

"I bet that's the murder weapon"

Liz saw Ward hold up the gun and shoot, she gasped and slightly jumped into JJ as they ducked back behind in shock. Liz's heart dropped. Ward just murdered someone... she was related to a murderer.

"Oh my god. Oh my god"

"What the hell?"

"No, no, no" Kie said

"That did not just happen" Liz spoke "what is going on?" Liz started freaking out a bit

"Tell me you just got that"

"Enough to put this asshole away for life" (as Kayhnextdoor would say—LIFEEE)

Liz turned her head to watch what was going on again. Gavin lurched at Ward before another shot went off. Liz watched the gun be kicked off the building, and into the stream of water from the rain.

"This is freaking crazy"

"Oh shit, get down, get down" Pope told them as Ward got slightly closer trying to look for the gun

MATILDA , jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now