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Unknown artist

Disclaimr: there will be mention of actual country name genshin region is based on. In this ff regions name will be the mafia groups name not a land
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Xiangling and Chongyun look at each other and then at their friends' supposed corps. The supposed corpse starts to cough and then slowly gets up, wiping all the blood away with a small nervous smile. His childhood friends stare with widened eyes, completely dumbfounded. Their tears that had run down have dried up. Xingqiu was indeed still alive.

"But you got shot...." his female friend murmurs. To this, the boy took out a plastic bag filled with red liquid inside. Showing that it's all just fake blood. The bullet didn't go through him but through the package and was blocked by a piece of metal. "w-what's going on, I don't get it," his other friend continued.

"Good morning my little spy" You grin out.

"I'm sorry guys... It was the only way to help you guys out. I don't want to lose any of you" Xingqiu quietly said. "uh...sorry for the late introduction. Guys this is y/n she's the one my boss hired to help you guys out by my request. I acted as a spy, leaking information out to her for a while until I could finally guarantee our escape" he continues.

They say the first introduction between people would be awkward afterward and you bet they were right. Xingqiu's friends didn't say a word. They only look at each other confusingly. "So....let me get this straight" Xiangling was the first to speak up. "What are you Xingqiu? Who is your boss? what is all of this?" she questions. Judging from her expression she seems like she has a little idea of what xingqiu is doing with his life but does not want to believe so.

Silence as it is, you continue to smile in this situation. As a matter of fact, you are enjoying this moment. So is Childe. Despite running the car on the road his ears are glued to the topic. It took a minute before Xingqiu gave his friend a reply. Simple and short. "I belong to a criminal organization"

You could see their priceless expression. Eyes widening, jaw-dropping. On the other hand, Xingqiu was smiling, a sad smile. You don't know him much but you knew he was hiding it from his friends. This probably isn't the way he wanted his friends to know. "I'm not asking you guys to be like me. But I'm taking you two to my boss. Until I can confirm y'all's safety please cooperate with me" xingqiu whispers, looking down at his pants unconfidently.


The car stops in front of a tall modernist building in the middle of Chinatown. Xingqiu was the first to hop off the car. He got out followed by his friends then you and Childe. The automatic sliding door and the chillness of air conditioning from the building chill you out. Without any word, Childe puts his jacket over your shoulder and continues to follow Xingqiu inside.

He walks past the receptionist without a word and gets on the elevator. Crystal clear view of the lobby from the elevator as they pass up each level. At some point, the elevator stops and they all get out. Walking on a short carpet hallway to a door at the end.

Xingqiu steps in front of the door and knocks on it twice before opening it. "Lady Ningguang I have retur-...." Xingqiu froze into a spot. The half-opening door, the shocked expression Xingqiu had. You get curious and try to peek inside. However the taller figure than you, Childe busts open the door with an excited face. "Mr.Zhongli!!!" He says, running into the room with no hesitation.

"oh? What an unexpected guest and a return" the man behind the door speaks up. You also got inside leaving the three frozen people by the door. The man in the room was indeed Zhongli, for you to be working in this for far long you, of course knew him.

He has a white shirt with a tie and a black coat over his shoulder. A hair neatly tied up behind and a glove in his hand holding a pen to his paperwork. "I did not expect you to be here..." finally someone melted Xingqiu's frozen figure.

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