Chapter 1: Shots in the Dark

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The word etched itself into the walls of my mind like a faucet dripping endlessly on stone.

Darkness encased the world around me, shadowless and trapping. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, trying to find my thoughts, my feelings. The seat beneath me felt like a bed. Once finding the blankets, I gripped them close to myself, lest they let go, and I be submerged into the overwhelming dark.

Sound came into focus. It had been playing in the background all along. Alarms wailed, accompanied by a female computer voice. "Please move to the nearest exit. A remmutant has been spotted on the premises. Please move to the nearest exit."

Remmutant came a foreign term to me, but I couldn't stay around long enough to learn the meaning. Throwing my feet over the side of the bed, I pushed myself up to a stand as graceful as a young deer's first. I needed to get back to... I blinked. Where had I been before here? Well, I had just ... I was... I was... My mind fell blank.

I knew nothing. Nothing but a name.

Alison Caddel.

This revelation flooded my mind and suffocated my thoughts. Several theories offered to explain why I remembered nothing, but I hesitated to believe any of them. Shaking the distractions off, I focused on the overhead alarm. I had to get out of here. The rest could wait.

Through the darkness, I found the doorframe. I walked my hand along the wall to navigate. With uncertainty, I treaded through the cold hall.


All went still.


The low, twisted purr forced my knees to buckle. Alternating hot and cold air tickled my bones. Breathing. The dirty scent of animal and blood reached me.

Right behind me.

With sore legs, I took off in a run. Earth shaking steps followed. A sharp shriek ripped through the air. My hands shot to my numb ears. In one life threatening instant, my legs twisted and tripped, and my elbow smacked into the hard tile. Scrunching my nose in pain, I forced myself back to my feet.

A gunshot petrified my feet. Shrieks bounced off the walls. I tried to keep low, not knowing what bodies around me stood on my side. How I longed for sight in this moment, one miniscule clue as to what was going on around me. If someone can aim a gun in this dark, does that mean I'm-

"Watch out!"

A mighty wind thrust me forward. A scratch dug across my arm as I fell. My knees hit the floor, pain jolting up my body.

Two distant shots ricocheted a few feet before me. One loud shot just a few feet from me. Something shook the earth, and quiet settled in. My hands shook before me, I could feel them.

Shoes battered against the floor, hesitant at first, before picking up speed. The other person caught me in a hug before I had collected all my thoughts.

At a hand's contact with my bare skin, the world lit up before my eyes. The person in my arms blocked half my vision, but beyond them, the hallway stretched on. Complete with spots of light from the few that weren't broken and rubble falling off the walls, the work of whatever creature had attacked me.

Shaking breath tickled my ears. My arms wrapped around a girl who looked just as confused as myself. I studied her best I could with my hindered sight, trying to decide why her shape felt so familiar. When it clicked, my heart hitched. Same light brown hair, same deep blue eyes, same freckled nose. I was hugging myself.

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