Alvenia's Outfit.

Noah and I walk through the cafeteria, with Bella and Edward and made our way to our friend's table. ''Please, Jess doesn't need cliches, her speech is going to be kickass, original and epic,'' I tell them as we get to the table.

''Epic can change lives,'' Jess nods her hand holding her hand up for me to hi-five her. I raise my hand and she and I hi-five. ''I've decided to throw a party,'' Alice says as she and Jasper come to sit with us.

''At you're house?'' Jess asks. ''I've never been to your house,'' Jess continues. ''No one's been to their house,'' Mike speaks up. ''Except for these two,'' Eric points at Bella and me.

''After all, how many times are we going to graduate?'' Jasper smirks at Noah and Edward. I chuckle knowing the joke behind it as I take a sip of the blood cringing a bit as it makes its way down.

''Another party Alice?'' Edward mumbles. ''It will be fun,'' Alice tells them. ''That's what you said last time,'' Bella reminds her. I see Jasper deflate a little and I grab his hand from under the table as I was sitting next to him. He smiles at me nodding his head.

I turn back to the table and notice Alice starts to have a vision. I look into her mind and what I see makes my anger and fear spike.

Third Person's Point of View.

Everyone in the cafeteria looks around in confusion and fear as everything starts to shake furiously. The Cullens and Bella all share a look before looking at Al and what they see makes them panic slightly.

Alvenia's eyes were glowing werewolf gold and veins under her eyes. Following everyone else's lead so as not to draw too much attention to themselves everyone drops underneath the tables and Noah grabs Alvenia and cradles her face stroking her cheeks and trying to calm her down.

Alvenia looks into Noah's eyes and see's her reflection and closes her eyes taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

All the shaking in the room stops everyone starts to come out from underneath the tables and start looking around.

Alvenia looks at all the damage she caused by losing control. She feels her eyes start to water before she turns around and rushes out of the cafeteria.

Edward, Alice, Jasper, Noah, and Bella share a look before following Alvenia out.

Alvenia's Point of View.

I slam the doors to the car park open and rush out of the building furiously wiping my eyes. ''Nia,'' Bella calls out.

''I'm fine guys, I'm just leaving to get a breather,'' I tell them. Not turning around. Before I could give any of them a chance to speak up I speed away.

I ended up running till I got to mine and Noah's spot in the woods. I sit down, take off my shoes and socks and just put my feet in the water.

I close my eyes and take some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I don't move when I felt someone sit next to me. ''I felt so angry,'' I tell him opening my eyes and turning to look at Noah and find him looking at me in concern.

''I've never lost control as much as I did back there,'' I tell him starting to cry once again. ''Hey, you don't need to cry,'' he tells me putting an arm around my shoulders.

''I could have hurt someone,'' I tell him. ''I just felt this need to kill, and I've never had that and it makes me scared because I want to be better than my family,'' I cry.

''I don't even know why I'm crying,'' I furiously wipe away my tears. ''Hey, you're allowed to feel that way,'' he tells me. ''Your emotions are heightened remember, we all knew despite your amazing control that you would have hiccups along the way,'' he tells me.

Being reassured just makes me more emotional. ''God,'' I laugh wiping more tears away. ''Just let it all out,'' he tells me kissing my head laying down, and pulling me with him.

I rest my head on his chest and sigh closing my eyes feeling slightly tired, something that I haven't felt in a while. Listening to the stream and the birds chirping I slowly drift off to sleep. 

Alvenia and Noah's Position but Alvenia is laying into him and her Head on his Chest

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Alvenia and Noah's Position but Alvenia is laying into him and her Head on his Chest.

My eyes flutter open and I see the sun breaking through some of the trees. I turn on my side and smile seeing the sun hit Noah's skin making him light up. 

His eyes were closed and you would think he is sleeping. I sit myself up and start stroking his cheek. His eyes open and he looks up at me smiling. ''Hi,'' he smiles at me. ''Hi,'' I smile back at him leaning down and kissing his lips.

I smile at him sitting back up again. ''Edward is going to suggest that Bella use those tickets to see your mother this weekend, you're going to go with her and we will stay here and try to catch Victoria,'' he tells me. 

I just run my fingers through his hair and nod my head. He sits up and turns to his side and brings something out of his bag. 

''I brought you your thermos and some more food that Esme made for you,'' he tells me. I smile taking the food and thermos and kissing his lips. 

I eat the food and start a whole new relationship with it. I use the thermos to wash down the food, the blood tastes better now that I have eaten something. 

''You feeling better?'' he asks looking at me softly. I smile at him and nod my head. ''Yeah, I don't know why I was so emotional,'' I tell him. He just chuckles and watches me finish my food. 

''How long was I asleep?'' I ask him. ''You got about three hours. Longest you've gone yet,'' he tells me helping me up.  I smile at him before he and I start walking through the woods. 

Soon enough we decided to start running making sure that I got home in time for Dad to get home. ''I'll see you tonight,'' he tells me as he and I come to a stop at the edge of the woods. I nod before leaning up and kissing him goodbye. 

''See you tonight,'' I tell him. He smiles at me before turning around and speeding away. I smile before turning around and making my way out of the woods.

I walk inside and find Bella rushing toward me. I hold my arms out and catch her though as she trips. ''Thanks,'' she blushes. 

''Are you okay?'' She asks me as we make our way up to my bedroom. I nod my head smiling at her. ''Yeah, just needed a breather,'' I tell her.

''What did Alice see that set you off?'' Bella asks. ''Edward won't tell me a thing,'' she continues. ''You know he is only keeping things from you just to protect you in his own weird way,'' I tell her. She just gives me a look.

''Don't you think I would be safer knowing what was going on,'' she tells me. I look at her smirking slightly. ''Fine. Alice saw Victoria attacking this weekend,'' I tell her. 

''That's why he brought up the tickets,'' she sighs nodding her head. ''Why couldn't he have just told me,'' she sighs. ''He didn't tell you because he knew you would worry, and bring up being turned'' I tell her. She sighs looking away sheepishly. 

''Come on let's get freshened up so that we could go and meet up with Dad for dinner,'' I tell her. She nods her head. 

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