Chapter 18: Chiyome Uraraka I and Ochako Uraraka III

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All Girls for One Deku

My Hero Academia

By Azure

Chapter Eighteen- An Uraraka Double Treat with Milf-Chako (Ochako Uraraka III, Chiyome Uraraka I )


Adjusting his school bowtie properly on top of his school uniform shirt, Izuku Midoriya smiled at himself in the mirror as he beamed at his reflection with self-confidence. Today was a new day, the start of a new week, for him and all the many lovers he's accrued over the past few weeks with Melissa Shield being his lasest conquest he acquired just last weekend. Izuku partially hoped that he had knocked up the American girl just so he could have her living here in Japan permanently with him and Nana-chan once things got properly set up. The famous Hero was working around the clock to get their luxury home established just so Izuku could have all his women and expectant mothers living there with them as his newly established cabal of lovers. No doubt Manami Yaoyorozu would help if he asked or commanded her to, but Izuku wanted for Nana to do it on her own unless she really needed it. He doubted it though since the woman had been earning royalty checks for ages now and was likely as wealthy as the Prime Minister of Japan, but he did text her to inform him if they needed any extra boost from the big-breasted mother of Momo.

"Ah, looking good. I wonder what kind of day today will bring, hm?" He said to himself, hearing his mother Inko getting out of bed with her arms stretching over her head and a sleepy smile appearing on her face. The naked Milf was immediately drawn to her son dressing up like a young gentleman in the mirror of their shared bedroom. Her tits jostled bout with every slight movement she made when getting out of the queen-sized bed they always slept together in, causing Izuku to groan stiffly to himself as he felt the onset of arousal coming forth already from inside of his pants.

"Mnghhh! Must! Can't be distracted so much that I end up late on my way to school.....again. Nghh...! Good morning, Kaa-san.~" Izuku beamed at his mother as she got out of the bed completely and sauntered over to him with swaying hips and a flat stomach. Izuku often wondered what she would look like when or if he decides to impregnate this beautiful, lonesome woman at long last after all the nights he spent making her scream his name to the heavens. 'Hmmm, that reminds me, maybe I should have a kind of romantic date for a change with one of the girls? It's been a while since it's only been just a one-on-one romantic outing like how I first took Itsuka-chan when I met her or when Nana-Chan first rescued me from All-For-One. But who to pick?'

"Good morning, Izu-Kun. Fufufufu. Getting ready for school, I see?~" Inko purred as she walked up to her son and pulled her arms around his neck, pulling him into her lips for a deep tongue-swathing kiss that involved incestuous passion with their tongues. Izuku promptly held his hands around his mother's waist, pulling her naked form closer and feeling her tits pushing against his chest as they intimately made out. "*Schluppp....schlupp...schluppp...schluppp!* Mmhmm...Izu-Kun, you've become such a splendid kisser. Hehehe.~"

"Kaa-san... I was wondering about something just now. Care to hear it?~" Izuku asked as he pulled his tongue out from the inside of his mother's mouth, leaving a gooey trail of saliva between them while Inko pulled a leg around the side of his waist in an affectionate manner. It was Inko's favorite thing to do when greeting her son in the morning, (besides waking him up by tending to his morning wood), often leading them into a quick romp in the kitchen whenever she was making breakfast. But today, Izuku was up early and anxious to get out of the door as a new idea blossomed in his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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