Ch.6 Great day.

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" Wait hayes was there? He interrupted when Nash was going to ask you out?" Val says

" Yea, I mean it wasn't that big of a deal I do feel bad. " I say looking down at me feet.

" Hayes is starting to annoy me now like he seriously thought you guys were dating when he cheated on you? Like are you for real?" Ren added.

" Well looks like he gots a girlfriend already. " Ana adds

We all look up. And see hayes in Vitoria Secret with a girl & he looks so bored and annoyed from holding a bunch of shopping bags.

The girls and I burst out laughing . Our laughs were so loud that he heard us . He looks up and catches my eye. He pulls his "girlfriend " and starts coming towards us.

" Hey! Blair this is my girlfriend. Jane , Jane this is a good friend, Blair " he says smiling .

" (Cough cough) asshole." Renessme fakes coughs .

I turn to Ren .

" Oh my. Are you getting a cold? We better take you home. " I say putting my hand on her forehead pretending to be concerned.

" I'm sorry we have to go. Don't want her to get more sick, nice to meet you Jane!" I say Quickly . ' she's allergic to asshole if you didn't notice.)

Finally Jane looks up from her cellphone, and has the biggest smile in the world.

" No! Efin! Way!" She yells.

We all look at hayes with confused looks.

" You.. You.. Guys .. Are.. Beautiful Chaos! I can't believe it! I'm a huuugggeeee fan!" She says so happy.

" So your dating a fan? More better ,our fan?" I say sarcastically to hayes.

"Dating? Who? Me & him? Oh no sweetie . I won a day to hang out with him. He just said he'll buy me anything I want because I wanted to go out & he said that he's with this girl but right now their not good. Her name started with a D no a E no a B it was Bla-" hayes puts his hand over her mouth.

"Okay, well we need to go. I think your hungry?" He says to Jane and pulls her.

" Wait! I never got a picture!" She says .

" I'll give you their number & you could text them how about that?!" He says dragging her.

"Ok! bye I love you guys!" She yells.

"Well that was weird and fun at the same time ." I say

" Well let's go. I'm tired. & we have auditions member!" Lana says .


"Ok. So your singing verse 1 jazz singing verse 2 Val's singing verse 3 & B is singing verse 4. " Ana said.

Annabelle was like out manager but not ,she would help us with everything she was like a co-manager.

We sang the song like 5 times.and then we had a break.

" Ok Guys take a break. " Ana says through the mic because we were in the studio.

Once I get out I see nash.

" Well I wasn't sure if I was in heaven cause it sure sounded like it." Nash says . He was holding flowers.

" your such a flirt." I slightly punched him on his arm.

" Ouch babe, that hurts . Maybe we could exchange that for a kiss." He says leaning in.

As he leans in I move my head.
And he .. Falls.

I laugh so hard , until he pulls me by his side. He comes on top of me and tickles me until I'm neay about to pee my pants with laughter.

"Please ... Please... Stop ... I'll do anything .." I say in between laughs.

He stops " anything ?" He raises his right eyebrow

' this is a chance for me to escape' I think to myself. So I wiggle out.

As I escape I push him into the ground and pull myself on top of him. I try to tickle him but all I feel is his abs.

He gives me the hottest smirk ever. " I'm not ticklish."

"Hmph.. " I cross my arms.
"How about we wrestle." I say

He laughs so hard." Wait.. Me.. And... You?" He says in between laughs.

" Yup." I say popping the p.

" Okay "

I stand up and he sits up. I continue to stand over his legs.
As I put my hair up I notice he is staring at me.
I began to blush. I honestly wish we humans never blushed. But then we would look like the Cullen's ( twilight people come on)

"Your so.. Beautiful." He says

I sit back on his legs after I put my hair in a messy bun.

" Can I kiss you." He says.

As fireworks start to pop when we kiss . I feel that I began to have stronger feelings it was like, love & not love I couldn't explain. But I knew my feelings for him grew stronger.

As we end our magnificent kiss he asks," have dinner with me & my family?"

I smile . " yes"

Then I reliaze .... Nash Grier.... Grier.... HAYES!!

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