Chapter 2

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The mystery woman looks around her a bit hesitantly as she walks over to the back of the café where most of the bookcases are located.

I look around at the people and spot Cally with her jaw basically on the floor. She really is a sucker for women.

I give her a look in hopes she'll get her act together and walk towards the back to see if the woman needs a little help.

Usually, people here are regulars or at least know what they're looking for. She seemed a little lost.

I look around the isles and spot her at the "Fiction" isle. She's looking at all the books with big eyes that are a beautiful shade of green.

"Need any help finding a book?" I ask her. 

She jumps slightly at the sound of my voice and quickly looks towards me.

"Uh yeah something like that. I was just looking for a moment of peace and this seemed like the right place for that." She admits.

"You're right about that. So, are you then not actually looking for a book?"

"Maybe I am. Which ones do you recommend?" She asks me. I lean against a bookcase next to me.

"Well, that depends on what genres you like. But just from looking at you, I don't think you're the thriller and horror kind of woman." I say as I point towards the bookcases in front of her that say 'THRILLER' and 'HORROR'.

She gives a nervous chuckle and nods her head at me.

"You're right about that." She says as she moves away from the cases.

"Well then, what types of books do you usually read?" I ask her.

"I don't really get to read as much as I'd like, but usually I read fictional books that have a deeper meaning to them.

I nod as I know exactly what she's talking about. Those are some of my favourites.

"Alright, follow me." I say as I gesture for her to follow me.

I guide her toward the bookcases that are labelled 'HIDDEN REALITIES. She moves to stand next to me, which obviously makes me very happy.

"These are all the books that are written as fiction, but could very well apply to real-life." I tell her. "Now, I know a lot of books could turn into a real-life scenario, but just check out some of the books." I say as I gesture towards the bookcase.

She nods and runs her fingers over the spines of the books. She stops at one of my recent favourites and grabs it.

"Ahh, To Kill A Mockingbird. That's actually one of my favourite books."

She looks up at me. "I've heard about this one, but I actually have no idea what it's about." She admits.

"You never had to read this book in high school?" I ask her in disbelief. 

"No, I did not really have your typical high school experience I guess. Could you explain the book to me?"

"Of course. It's basically a book that exposes racism in the justice system of Alabama during the Depression era, but the unique thing is that the story is told from the perspective of a child witnessing her lawyer father defend a black man during this time. It's an incredibly powerful story."

As I tell her this, we keep holding eye contact. It almost feels like green-on-green crime because it's pretty intimidating. I can see that she's taking in everything I'm telling her and she looks impressed.

"Wow. That does sound incredible." She says, almost at a loss for words.

"Here," I tell her as I hold the book towards her. "take it with you and read it. I'm sure you'll love it."

She nods and takes the book from me.

"Oh, and while you're at it, take this one too. It takes place in Boston, so it's only fitting that you read this one." I say as I grab a book called 'Things You Save in a Fire' and hand it to her.

She glances at the description on the back and seems interested enough to read it.

"Thank you. I trust that both of these books will be great, since you seem to be an expert." She says with a smirk. 

Wow, that looked good.

Focus, Willow.

"I am indeed. You can come by any time if you need any recommendations." I say with a smile.

 She looks at the nametag on my shirt. "Thank you, Willow. You really helped me out with these."

watch as she turns around and makes her way back to the front of the store, giving me one final wave.

(insert "I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding" here)

Before I can even walk back to the counter, Cally comes running at me while flailing her arms like a mad woman.

"WILLOW" she yells. 

I shush her as she basically called the attention of everyone in the store.

"What?" I ask her.

"Do you seriously not know who that is?"

Before I can even answer her question, she catches herself. "Wait, of course you don't, since you're old and uncultured."

Ouch, she really has no filter. "I'm only 34, Cal. And no, I don't know who that was."

"Exactly. Like I said, old."

I need to stop working with 20-year-olds. "So, care to tell me who that was?"

"Right. THAT was THE Elizabeth Olsen. She is an incredibly talented actress who so happens to play the Scarlet Witch in Marvel." Then, a look of realization crosses her face. "Oh my god. What if the universe heard us talking about Marvel and sent her to you?" She rambled.

"Okay enough of that." I said while holding my hand up to her face, which she disgustingly tries to lick. "It doesn't matter if she's famous. Today she was a customer and that's how I'll treat her." I explain while yanking my hand away from her approaching tongue.

"You're boring. Anyway, I took a picture of the both of you while you were in your hot staring contest." She says as she shows me a picture on her phone in which me and the woman, who I now know as Elizabeth, are standing in close proximity as I'm handing her one of the books while holding eye contact.

"That's just me handing her a book." I weakly defend myself.

"Pffft right. Keep telling yourself that. Anyway, let's watch a movie that she's playing in after work. We'll invite the others too and make it a team-building exercise or something." She offers with that signature grin of hers.

"Fine, but after that, will you please let it go?"

"Okay Elsa." She says as she walks back to the counter to clean up.

The Book Cafe (Elizabeth Olsen x female reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora