Family Chaos pt 2

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Masons Plan no.2 was to gather all the kids except for Emily, why? Because... the plan was to steal her stuff of course! Okay let's get into this tantrum filled part 2!

"Don't you think this is bad idea? I mean she's only 5!" Liam said, "Shut up! do you want your stuff stolen?" Mason said, Liam pouted, "fine... I'll do it..." he said. Emily was too busy watching Tangled to notice they were going upstairs so it was perfect.

"Alright.. here's what we are gonna do.. Iko, you flip her dollhouse over, Lilac, you steal one of her bags of shopkins, so do you Liam." Mason said.

Iko did what Mason said, flipped her dollhouse over.

Meanwhile with Lilac and Liam.. "alright I steal this one because it has her limited edition in it and you take the one that has the petkins in it" Lilac said, "Hey no fair!" Liam shouted, "Look, I'll watch the batman movie with you after this okay?" Lilac said, bribing Liam, which made him agree. "Gah.. why did i do that... the new cookie run update comes out at that time..." Lilac thought.

Emily's Movie finished and she went upstairs, "HIDE! SHES COMING" Mason shouted, they all hid behind the big wash basket. "OH MY GOD!" Emily screamed to see the sight of her dollhouse flipped over. Mason giggled a little to see his baby sister like that. "Now go downstairs" Mason ordered. Emily saw them go past, "huh?".

Emily was shocked to see her siblings take her shopkins, "GRRR IM GONNA GET YOU!" Emily shrieked. She ran after them. "GIVE ME THE SHOPKINS!" She shouted, "hmmmm... how about no.." Iko said, "What if I broke your blocky teddy hmmmm?" Emily said. Iko gasped, "you wouldn't!". Emily ran up to her room, "MASON! QUICK GET HER!" Iko shouted. Mason then drop kicked Emily.

"WAAAAAAAAAH!!" A shriek heard from Emily was heard then followed by crying. "Mason! You didn't have to go that far!" Liam said while running to Emily who was crying so hard her cheeks were red. "Oops" Mason said, "Just a "oOpS!"?! You probably hurt her badly!" Liam said. A sound of smashing was heard, "no! Wait!" Liam said running to see what the sound was, Mason running after him giggling.

Liam couldn't Belive what he saw, Emily's shopkins bag with the limited edition was bursted by Iko. "IKOO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! SHE ALREADY GOR DROPKICKED" Liam shouted. A "What the hell is going onnnnn!?" Was heard. "I- is that Alex?" Lilac said. Yes, indeed it was. "WHAT THE HELL" Alex screamed, a Scream from Emily was heard also. "You messed up badly.." Alex said.

After they got it cleaned and got Emily Ice cream, He was gonna give Iko and Mason a punishment since Liam and Lilac didn't really do anything.

Alex tugged Masons Green and black boxers up high for 30 seconds then did the same with Iko but with her red blocky panties.

Cya for next chapter!

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