Chapter 2

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Warning: none.


It was definitely no meteor. Even if it were, there probably would've been some kind of government warning issued to every phone in the city. Like what you'd get with earthquakes!

The smoke where it struck became thicker the closer you got. It was hot too, when you reached the shore, the heat emanating from the large crater practically burned your sin. You coughed and wafted it from your face. That wasn't all; the sand around it had completely turned to glass. It wasn't slick or clean like it would be of a mirror, instead it was in large shards that crystallized and jut out from the ground. It was like something prehistoric.

Eventually, the smoke cleared. You got closer.

The crater wasn't that deep, but it was just steep enough that you carefully toed the edge to keep from falling in. When you looked down, your eyes widened, definitely not expecting what you'd just seen.

Inside was a man. A large blue man. Larger than even the most built men you've encountered. He had long hair splayed out beneath him, and a small beard. They were both the color... white? No, more like the paler blue the closer you looked. And he wore a blue open shirt with pants held up by suspenders that were a ...deeper blue?

God, it seemed like everything about this guy was just a different shade of blue.

But what was that lodged in his chest?

You needed a closer look and at that point you just decided to screw all inhibition and slide down in there. The ground inside had been turned into glass as well, so it was a bit slippery. Carefully, you knelt beside him. He was even bigger up close.

His face was scrunched up into an expression of discomfort, and that was putting it mildly considering the fall he must've had. There were prominent bags under his eyes as well. He seemed to be unconscious, so by instinct you followed your high school training video on CPR to check his breathing. You leaned down to check if he was breathing.

No dice. He was still as ice. You pressed two fingers on his wrists. Felt like ice too.

Briefly, you felt your heart race. You couldn't have a dead alien man in your front yard! But at the same time, where would you take him? It wasn't like you could just leave him here and hope no one noticed! Hell, what would the police do if they found him?

"[Y/N], you're under arrest for harboring a dead alien on your property!"

You looked at his chest and wondered if his current state had anything to do with what seemed like a stone lodged in his sternum. It was cracked and automatically your hands went to trace a finger along the crevices. Then you grasped the edges, opting to pull it out. Only the surface peeked out from his chest, so you really had to dig in there to get a proper grip. It would probably scar him but then again, he was an alien. You didn't know how much he could take in terms of injury. And aside from that, he wasn't even bleeding from the stone. Could he bleed?

"Urgh! Come on!" You grunted, using all your arm strength to pull at it. Jerking one, two, three times before a powerful force gripped your arm. You froze like a deer in headlights before looking down to see the man was fully awake. And he didn't look happy.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked. His voice was somewhat baritone and gentle, but behind it held a quiet rage.

When you didn't answer he jerked your arm.

"Speak." He ordered.

"I-I was getting this stone out of your chest!"

His gaze unyielded from yours. "That is my gem, do not touch it again." You nod vigorously and abruptly he lets you go before standing up to his full height. It started to breeze, and his hair caught in the wind. He gently brushed a strand from his face and behind his ear.

He was gorgeous.

His brows furrowed, "Where am I?"

"Uh...Beach City." You replied.

"Where is 'Beach City'?" He asked.

"Delmarva, Maryland."

"And...where is that?"

What was this, 20 Questions? You shrugged, "United States."

Alien man's jaw twitched; he was noticeably growing irritated. He leaned down and took you by the shoulders. As he looked directly at you noticed only then that his pupils were literally shaped like diamonds.

"What planet am I on?" He asked pointedly.

Your brows raised, "Oh! Earth! You're on Earth."

"Earth." He repeated, letting you go and taking in his surroundings. He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, "Oh my stars..."

Dilfism; Male Blue Diamond X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt