comfortable silence fell on them as steve still held eddies hand, now tracing the life lines on his palm. "hey um, i wanted to ask you something" steve spoke not looking up at eddie and just kept playing with his hand. "ask away."

"how did you know you were gay?"

eddie looked at him, a little shocked because he wasn't really expecting that question. "oh umm, i don't know. i guess i just always knew" he responded and started to play with the back of steves hand as the boy stoped his palm tracing.

"yeah but how. how did you know you don't like girls" steve looked at eddie with a somewhat desperate look. "i was never attracted to any?" eddie responded before continuing "not in the way i found guys attractive. i knew there was a difference between friendship and attraction and with girls i only knew friendship."

"but what if you feel both? with girls and guys?" eddie smiled at steve who seemed like he was in the dark. "there's nothing wrong with liking both. it would mean you're probably bisexual. might be pansexual too. there's a lot of labels to identify with. but you don't have to identify with any of them" eddie assured steve, rubbing his hand with his thumb.

steve seemed to relax a bit at the thought, trying to take everything in. "okay, i think i get it a little more now" he smiled sweetly at eddie who smiled back.

"hey, how bout we smoke that weed you were talking about" eddie suggested and steve nodded "yes please, been thinking about it the whole day." eddie got a small baggie out of his backpack and steve raised his eyebrows "you just carry that around with you all the time?" eddie giggled "yeah, you never know when someone might wanna conduct business with you."

steve nodded and pulled out a twenty out of his wallet handing it to eddie. "oh don't worry about it man" he waved his hand away but steve put the money in eddies jean pocket. "shut up, i'm smoking so i'm paying. plus you don't wanna take money for cigs"  steve reminded eddie who smiled at him. he really did appreciate it.

they stepped into the backyard sitting in the lawn chairs next to each other. eddie rolled up two joints for them handing one to steve and lighting it for him then light one for himself.

as they smoked they stared out to the pool, eddie watching how the sunset light casted off the water as it danced around in the light wind. it was so calm, only thing that was heard was swaying of the trees and the birds chirping, plus the occasional sigh steve let out as he relaxed in his chair.

"man, i needed this so bad" he let out with a husky voice. eddie noticed how his eyes grew small, only open by a slit. he took in the wonderful view of steve. he didn't get to see him like this that often so he appreciated it immensely. "feels like my mind's been so full of everything these days" steve puffed out some smoke and looked at eddie "i think you were the only thing keeping my mind together this week."

eddie smiled at him, loving the way steve looked him. "honestly i can say the same for you. just feels right we're friends again" he relaxed against the chair as he turned around on his side to look at steve. steve gently raised a corner of his lips into a small smile "yeah, friends." he seemed amused by the word and eddie figured the boy was really high already. "hey sweetheart, you think you got enough of that" he motioned to the almost smoked joint. "almost love" eddies heart skipped a beat at the nickname.  "i'll just finish this and then i have enough" steve took another puff, eddie nodding at him.

as they both finished they just sat there looking at each other. they sat in silence as eddie watched steves eyes almost drop, he looked like he was about to fall asleep. "hey stevie" steve quickly opened his eyes only to close them half way a second later. "wanna go inside to sleep? don't think these chairs are comfortable enough to sleep on" eddie suggested and steve nodded at him, slowly getting up.

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