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3 | Wrong Person

Bruce walked inside, his adrenaline still pumping through his veins, as he saw the Joker in the interrogation room behind bars, surrounded by Gordon and his teammates

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Bruce walked inside, his adrenaline still pumping through his veins, as he saw the Joker in the interrogation room behind bars, surrounded by Gordon and his teammates

The Joker looked disheveled and angry, his face scarred and twisted from the events of the past night and Gordon shot him a look of satisfaction, and Bruce couldn't help but smile at the sight

It was a bittersweet moment, but one that he knew was necessary and had been long overdue

"So the bat is here" - the joker explained mockingly trying to play fool

"The one and only" - His Batman voice answered back proudly, his shoulders back and chest up, his hands folded together.

The Joker had mocked him several times in the past, but this time, he was the one under lock and key, unable to escape

The table had turned..

The Joker mocked and taunted him, but he didn't care. Bruce was here to do a job and get it done quickly and effectively but Bruce's mind was focused and his goal clear and it's was investigate the clown and bring him to justice

Without the presence of Gordon and the other officers, the room was suddenly much quieter and more intimate as Bruce and the Joker were now alone, faced with only each other's gaze

The Joker was restrained behind bars, his expression angry and defiant, as usual but Bruce sat across from him, his face emotionless, his eyes searching and observing every detail

"Wanna play a game baty?" - the joker asked him as still trying to get into his skin

"I am not here to play your games" - Bruce replied calmly, his eyes scanning the Joker for clues as his mind worked quickly

He knew this game too well, the Joker's attempts to provoke him and throw him off balance But he was immune to such tricks, his emotions in control, his will to investigate strong and unwavering

He would not be distracted by the Joker's mocking or threats. instead, he kept his stare unblinking and his attention focused on the clown in front of him.

"Let's talk seriously? And we will be honest You always asking yourself why I'm around you like a Nightmare" - The joker explained mockingly as licking his lips by his tongue - "Even when you actually a stranger to me i killed your parents and Yes i don't have a reason more then I'm madness"

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