IV. Who Am I Doctor

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She was ripped away from her chair, thrown into the checkboard flooring, and beaten, beaten, and beaten. Again. Again. And Again. Visited rarely by the cloaked clockwork machine that she had sympathy for, and the little blonde boy who drenched her in hatred about her lack of eating. It had been a little over a year now since the bus went down into a ditch, and she was found by her ironically dreadful Prince Charming. It all whirled in Mauri's mind in a cocktail of Déjà vu. But the only think she could think of, is her purpose here, in this strange place.

She heard the little blonde nuisance call it, 'The Aogiri Tree' which she studied frantically before her admission into CCG academy. But she didn't understand her purpose, Takizawa honestly admitted that he enjoyed it here. But I don't understand, all I know now. Is that I'm no longer human, but a human's soul, trapped inside of a Ghoul's body.

She suppressed a sigh, running her dirt-embedded fingers through her hair, which was growing slightly lighter among the bottom. The door opened, and two red-cloaked Aogiri members stepped inside. They dashed forward, hooking their arms forcefully around hers, and trudged outside of the room, tossing her into a large room, which was deprived from the rest of the eerie building. Inside, a line of Aogiri trainee's lined up, their Kagune ready and urgent to destroy her, she could tell by the look in their eyes. The younger figure from before sat from a ledge, swinging her legs beside an odd man with a red-iron mask. She gulped, kneading her fingers. She remembered how Takizawa told her she'd be training eventually, and she supposed this was her training. But she didn't know how to use a Kagune, moreover a Quinque. With a silent whisper, the Aogiri trainee's whipped in every direction, beginning to fire and whip their Kagune towards Mauri. Without knowing, her Kakugan ignited, and anger spit through her gaze. She concentrated on her current standing, and closed her eyes. She winced, as discorded limbs towered over her, sprouting from her shoulder-blades, center, and lower back. an unlikely place for a natural RC-Sac to be placed. Her lower back twitched, but she couldn't suppress enough power to control more than two of her Kagune at a time. She narrowed her eyes, swiftly darting forwards, embedding one of her large scythe-like wings through a Ukaku-User's gut, his mask dislodging from his face in surprise. Another two trainee's leapt at her, but she was quick, whipping around and piercing them both through their torsos, slamming them together with a harsh force. The remaining Koukaku-User stood in fear, his legs wobbling beneath him. He gained the courage to sprint forwards, landing a painful blow on her thigh with his Kagune. She hissed between closed teeth, and whipped around, constricting him with her Kagune. She closed her eyes, pursing her lips, as she squeezed in two directions, as she used to do with lemons or oranges. The man crumbled beneath her grip, his eyes rolling back into his head. She sighed, her Kagune slinking back into her frail form, her Kakugan fading completely. Muffled applause could be heard, she peered upwards to try and spot the cloaked girl again. But she was already gone, along with the man by her side.

In the doorway, peered Takizawa Seidou, his eyes studying her cautiously.

Who am I again?

I  seemed to have forgotten, Doctor.

I used to be a human,

with a heart for a lost boy, who couldn't find his way.

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