Chapter 21

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Max was annoyed by the photo. He immediately asked her why she had taken it.

Abby coyly replied, "Because everyone around here is disappearing. I want some memories of you all."

He hesitated, frowned. Finally, all he said was, "Don't post it online."

"I won't. It's for me alone."

He didn't fly into a rage or demand that she delete it. So that was good.

Before leaving, she stopped by Bill's office so he could take it off her phone. "Perfect," he said. "Let's see if we can find this guy."

"I think you're more eager than I am," she teased.

Bill smirked. "I'm starting to get a weird feeling. He looks...Hm." She knew what Bill was trying to say, though. They both stared at Max's picture, at his bewildered expression when she took the photo. There was something strange about his appearance, but it was hard to put into words.

"Like almost too perfect," she said. "Like a doll."

"Yes," Bill agreed. "Must be the lighting."

Abby and Tara met for drinks that evening. Neither of them had heard anything from Jenny. Rob's wife had posted online that he was talking and interacting with his family. He was probably going to somewhat recover, although the injuries might cause lifelong side effects.

Tara chatted about how the interviews were going. The interviewers seemed to like her personality, but she knew that there were candidates with more experience. Abby reassured her that companies were really into soft skills these days, and Tara definitely had them. She showed up on time, worked hard, had a positive attitude, and was generally pleasant to be around. "Aw, thanks!" said Tara with a blush.

Abby told her about the investigation into Max. She hoped Tara wouldn't find her immoral.

Tara was more disturbed than anything. "That's starting to get strange. Be careful. What if he and his girlfriend are criminals or something?"

"That's crossed my mind. I mean, how many things could it possibly be?"

"And then what you said you saw," Tara murmured.

"Which we don't talk about. Because it makes me sound crazy."

"All of it together, though. I don't know, Man. I need to get out of here. Between that and the potluck from hell, it's all starting to creep me out."

"I've been looking at new jobs, too," Abby admitted.


"Yeah. But I want to figure this out first."

"Because you still like him?"

"I need to know..." Abby paused and glanced down. "I need to know if he needs help. I need to know what's wrong with him."

"But what if he's dangerous?" Tara whispered.

"Then I'll know that, too."

"Well, just don't find out too late."


Work finally picked up, so Abby didn't have as much time to dwell on her worries or sneak glances at Max. She kept the conversation light when they did talk, about tennis or travel or movies. She didn't want to scare him away until Bill could give her more information.

When the new manager approached and asked if she wanted to take on some of Rob's responsibilities in exchange for a raise, she hesitated. "I'll think about it," she replied. "Thanks, though." She didn't want to agree to the job and then leave right away. There was a gnawing in her stomach, a nervousness that came from sadness over the past and concern for the future. She still hadn't figured out her path, and it seemed more clouded than ever. Here she had vowed to let Max go, and now she was consumed by the mystery of him.

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