Chapter 42: Revenge

Start from the beginning

Stain pushed the uncounscious hero to the side

Mount Lady i know is not hero material, what about you student? - Said Stain

You are here, save me the time to go look for you, i'll make you pay for what you did with my brother - Said Ida furious

And how exactly am i going to pay? - Asked Stain

 With you life - Screamed Ida before charging Stain

The hero killer managed to dodge Ida's attack and hit him with a dagger making a deep wound on his arm

Stain licked the blood on the dagger and paralysed Ida, Mount Lady decided to flee since she would not be able to fight on this alley but someone was behind her

Mount Lady, the hero there isn't the only one here trying to avenge a brother - Said Vakarian

Before Mount Lady or Stain could react to his presence, Vakarian stabbed Mount Lady with his right arm, making a huge hole on where her heart would be

And who would you be? - Asked Stain

He is my subordinate, hello Stain, could you spare me some minutes? - Said Izuku flying above Stain and landing in front of him

Shinigami... i did not know you had a partner, very bold of you going after All for One's business - Said Stain recognizing the mask

You disapprove? - Asked Izuku

That depends, if you see yourself as a hero i do because of the way you caused too much collateral damage - Said Stain

I'm no hero, i'm just someone trying to bring order to this world - Said Izuku

At what cost? and for what reason? - Asked Stain

At any cost, and because what people call peace i call a lie, the stability of this world is held by a couple of mostly foolish and famous heroes, and by weak and corrupt politicians

The world under my rule will experience true peace and stability, no weaklings taking decisions and only the true skilled individuals may rise - Said Izuku

A brutal meritocracy with you at the top, i see... - Said Stain intrigued by Izuku

This voice... Midoriya... is that you? - Said Ida on the ground

Midoriya... Izuku Midoriya... you are the kid from U.A - Said Stain linking the connections 

Izuku took off his mask

I am indeed, but i'm not at U.A to become a hero, i'm there to watch and judge myself if heroes are worthy of their status on society - Said Izuku

Interesting... and what are your conclusions after being in U.A for some time? - Asked Stain with interest

That true heroes are rare, humans prefer their famous idols that don't really care about them while mostly ignoring the true heroes with few exceptions like All Might, should these shallow people judge whatever a hero should succeed in life or not? I'm going to change this rotten society by rulling it and ensure that the rotten and the fools do not flourish - Said Izuku

Izuku knew the type of ideology Stain followed, it was unlikely someone like him would follow Izuku, so every word should be said very carefully, and should Stain refuse he would die here

Stain took a few seconds to reflect upon what Izuku said

Save me Izuku - Said Ida struggling in the ground

I suppose you want me to work for you, what a strange day... early today i got a similar offer from All for One - Said Stain

Izuku was very interested on that, All for One was recruiting now? But Stain is too uncompatible with the League and AFO himself, what was his objective?

Stain's quirk effect expired and Ida could move again, instead of running away and telling someone about what was happening Ida foolish decided to strike Stain in the back

Hado 4: Byakurai

A lightning beam left Izuku's finger and pierced Ida's heart, killing him in a instant

No witnesses, you are very careful man... i was already going to decapitate that fake hero before he could touch me - Said Stain seeing Ida's body

So what is your answer? - Said Izuku calling Kyouka Suigetsu to his hand just in case

I'm not against this meritocracy you want to build, and i'm certain you are fit to be on it's top for what i heard about Izuku Midoriya the student... as long as you don't interfere with my ideology or way of dealing with fake heroes i guess i can follow you - Said Stain

Izuku smiled

And what about power? you want more? - Said Izuku 

I'm confident in my own skills... at least for now - Said Stain a little confused

A huge explosion could be heard nearby, a flying creature with an exposed brain fell on them from above a few seconds after the explosion

Stain jumped on the creature but was throw away by it

Vakarian hit the creatue's chest with a Bara, a small ball of spiritual energy similar to Cero, although weaker than Cero, Bara was much faster than it

Izuku quickly decapitated the creature using his sword

What is this thing? - Said Stain

Similar to the creature used by the League on their attack on U.A, much this one is much weaker - Said Izuku

Izuku's phone rang

Izuku... ah... i mean Mr Izuku, we are receving reports of attacks in Hosu of creatures like the one from the League, what are your orders? - Said Endeavor

Stain just joined Izuku, if he knew now that Endeavor was also with Izuku he would be very displeased

This will be good opportunity for our internship, prepare my uniform i'll arrive at your agency shortly and we all go together - Said Izuku hanging up the call

For now i should get back to my life as a student, weaking the League is going to be essential for the future - Said Izuku

So these creature are from the League, and how will i enter in contact with you? - Asked Stain

Come to this area of the city in 3 days, i'll meet you here and give you some communication device - Said Izuku

Izuku and Vakarian left to go return to Endeavor's agency

(What a interesting kid... no... what a terrifying entity, for now our goals are different but share the same path, i should be wary of him, he won't hesitate to kill me or anyone in his path, i don't fear death but i should protect the true heroes from him if i can) - Thought Stain

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