His eyes twinkled. "After a very long time somebody actually told me that they were proud of me. Thank you for understanding me Amy. I don't know what I'll do if you ever get bored and decide to leave me." He muttered.

"I'll never leave you, love. Didn't I promise you ' till death do us apart'?" We just looked into each other's eyes. Silently assuring that we would always be together.

"Do you want to go out with me today?" I asked him. "Just for a day. Let's forget you have any kinda problems. We'll go and drop the samples to ny pathologist and then go for a movie, pick some pizzas and have a lot of fun?" I asked him.

He hesitated. "What if I touch somebody? What if media or someone follows us? And won't tye sun affect me too?" He bit his lips.

I smiled. "No such thing would happen. We'll not touch anyone and no one will follow us. It's a you and me day today. Just forget you ever had Molluscum Contagiosum, you ever were a son of a billionaire and that sun could ever harm you. Just feel normal. Trust me everything would be fine." I assured him.

He hesitantly nodded. "Go and get ready, we'll leave in 30 mins." I said and we dismissed into our rooms.

I paired a white Gucci crop top with a pair of faded blue jeans. Wearing my black wrist watch and a pair of black stud earrings. Leaving my hair straight and open, I sprayed my sandalwood perfume, took my purse along with the sample pouch and went ahead knocking on Xander's door.

Alexander Simon Smith opened the door looking smoking hot. He wore a pair of blue jeans with a white tshirt and a black jacket. Unintentionally, we were matching and my subconscious mind screamed 'awwww' in me.

"Ethan gifted me this jeans last year. I have never worn a jeans or a tshirt before this. Do I look okay? Should I change?" He asked. He was insecure of his physical appearance. What he didn't knew was, I would be glaring at all the girls on our way.

"You look absolutely stunning, Xander. And we are matching! Isn't it cute?" I cheered him up. He gave me a small smile. His cheeks had a pink cheeks.

Trust me, there is nothing hotter than a man blushing over your compliments.

Alexander asked if he could drive and I readily agreed. Even though I knew how to drive, I don't have a license. And I am never in the mood of paying an enormous amount of penalty.

I directed him towards Dr. Andruzzi's clinic. I asked him to wait in the car while I drop the samples at the reception.

"Hey! I am Dr. Amayra Williamson Smith. Dr. Andruzzi asked me to drop the samples of one of his patients at the reception." I informed the receptionist.

"Oh yes Dr. Andruzzi did inform me. You can give the samples to me. We'll conduct the pathogen tests and Dr. Andruzzi would dial you up once he gets the reports." She smiled politely.

I thanked her and went back into the car.

"Where to next?" Alexander asked. "To the movies! There's an animated movie called 'Up'. Layla couldn't stop talking about the movie. Apparently she said this was the best choice for a couple movie date. We could give it a try." I said buckling my belt.

I saw him blushing yet again. "So... Its a date?" He asked me almost in an inaudible voice.

"Are you shy, hubby?" I teased him.

"What? No. I-I am not shy." He tried denying. "Sure." I smirked.

True to Layla's words, the movie was worth the shot. Alexander said he last saw an animation when he was 7. He said he wasn't in the right mind to spend time on movies or entertainment before he moved out, and was restricted with no UV rule ever since he was 18. So, he saw a movie after 18 years!

He had a cute smile plastered on his face all throughout the movie. I even saw him blushing when the male protagonist had a flash back had flashback of his good time with his wife. He even had teary eyes when the male protagonist's wife died.

After the movie date, we had lunch at Ramona's.

"Oh God! I am full!" I burped. Alexander scrunched up his nose. I burst into laughter. I saw Alexander intently gazing at me with a small satisfied smile. As if he was proud to make me laugh.

"So what's next?" He asked expectantly. I was going to say we could go back home but I felt like he was enjoying the outing. I didn't have the heart to ruin the smile he had on his face.

"How about Platt Field Park?" I asked. He nodded and followed the GPS system to our destination.

Walking side by side, we could see families having picnic, couples cuddling up on the grass, elders by the lake and children gathering around trees.

Neither of us were speaking and it was anything but awkward. I looked beside me, to see Xander smiling.

"Are you happy?" I asked him. He scratched his neck nervously. "This is my first time having a date. And I could never be more happy." He said.

"I am sorry. It should have been me asking you out, arranging dates, initiating couple-y things. I am a big disappointment, ain't I?" He said with a disheartened expression.

I frowned and stopped walking. Sensing me stop, Alexander stopped and looked at me.

"That's rubbish Xander. If I want to take you out on dates, I will. If I wish to initiate something between us, I will. You could do the same, if you wish. Not because you're supposed to." I said. "What matters is our happiness. And you're anything but a disappointment. Didn't I tell you how much I am proud of you?" I asked. He nodded. "You're never going to make yourself feel down casted. Do I make myself clear?" I asked. He nodded again.

"Repeat after me. I'll never feel like I am any less than any other individual." I said. He frowned but compelled anyhow.

"I'll never feel I am any less than any other individual." He repeated.

"I'll always trust myself and no matter what society says, I'll be proud of myself for I know my struggle, people don't." I said.

He repeated.

"I'll always make my happiness and peace my first preference." I said.

"I'll always make our happiness and peace my first preference." He said. My heart flipped.

"And I'll always buy Amayra an icecream whenever we are out on a date." I said with a grin.

He rolled his eyes with a smile. "I'll never buy Amayra an ice cream whenever we are out on a date." He said and started running.

I took it as a hint of him being in a playful mood. Chasing and laughing, we ultimately got tired.

Sitting on the grass, we looked at the lake in front of us. The sun was setting, and the lake looked enormous.

"Xander?" I called him out. "What would you do if one day you wake up and find you never had any health problems? If you come to know, you're perfectly fine like any other human being?" I asked him.

"I'll not think twice before telling you how much I love you. Not by words, but by my actions." He said longingly.

My biggest problem? I start writing a story, and get 10 more ideas. And I loose interest in writing the story I currently am.

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