34. Welcome back to Isla Nublar

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Kenji's POV

We arrived at Isla Nublar. It looked amazing. Better than the last time I was here.

Me: I never thought I'd be back here.

Mae: I never thought I'd even be here.

They all started walking to the penthouse.

Me: Uh, dad! I don't think this is a good idea! Last time I checked, the penthouse was 1000% dino infested.

Dad: Son. I'm not reckless. I had my guys do a sweep of the island to make sure we'll be 1000% safe.

Me: Your guys? Of course you got guys that's so dope.

They made it to the penthouse and I walked up the 95 floors.

Me: I forgot how many stairs there are. Couldn't you guys have carried us up?

Dad: Never be afraid of a little hard work, Kenji.

I had memories of that place. I looked at my Horatio guy, the gold Sinoceratops. I remembered how Darius complimented it. "A replica of the 68 million year old Sinoceratops discovered in China!" How could I forget that. And I remembered everything else.

Me: Hey, dad. I did the right thing before. With my friends. Right?

Dad: I know it was a hard call, but you made the only choice you could to keep them safe and out of trouble. And you protected us, our company, our family. I couldn't be more proud of you. What happened to my Gaddi?

Me: Actually, that's a funny...the dinosaurus did it, I tried to save it.

I mean I threw it on a Monolophosaurus's head to save Aanya, Brooklyn, and Darius. 

Dad: Nothing we can do about it now I suppose. Since BioSyn wants to see this tech in action, we need some dinosaurs to demonstrate. Molina, I want you to--

Molina: Me, sorry, no can do. Well, can but won't. I'm just a go between. I don't work for you so, hypothetically, I don't have to risk my neck out there in that jungle.

Dad: Okay. Kenji, you've been out there before.

What? I have to go out there again?

Mae: Don't you think Kenji's been through enough?

Dad: Thank you for your insight, Dr. Turner, but I think I'll leave it up to my son to decide for himself. Kenji?

Uh...what should I say? I was kinda getting used to not running for my life from dinosaurs. But, my dad wants me to work with him. I'll just say no.

Me: I was kind of getting used to not running away for my life from dinosaurs.

Dad: I completely understand.

Me: You do?

Dad: But I could really use your expertise. Who else knows this island as well as you?

Me: Oh well, in that case...

Something was near the door. I took a book and hid behind a wall. Is it that Monolophosaurus that tried to attack us last time? Hope not. When the thing came near, I tried to hit the book, but I got bumped by a shoulder.

The guy: You?

Me: "You?"

It was Hawkes? The one who literally kidnapped Brooklyn? Of course, I didn't really do anything, and Darius did the exchange and was mad at me until Brooklyn talked things through him, but seriously? Why would my dad hire a bad guy?

Dad: Well that was quite an entrance, Mr. Hawkes.

Hawkes: Sorry, sir, I thought one of those dinosaurs were here.

Me: "Sir?"

Dad: Well, I guess you can never be too careful when you're dealing with dinosaurs. Now come along. We have a lot of work to do.

Me: Wait, these are your guys?

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