Chapter 12:The Demon...Queen?

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J-chad was walking in the park,she was in her day off,those days had been very difficult

J-chad:Man...It's been a while since I enjoyed a peaceful and calm day

J-chad sits on a bench and streches her legs

J-chad:Ahhhh,I needed that

J-chad then notices that her eyes felt heavy

J-chad fell asleep in the bench...

J-chad at the time .. Alice..was in a difficult situation

4 years ago...

Alice was already lying on the bed in her room, the bags under her eyes were evident

Alice:'s the 2nd time I haven't been able to sleep at all, if I can't fall asleep I'll go crazy

The night before she had come home a little early, she tried to relax and rest, but she just couldn't... again

Alice Williams, 23 years old, an excellent fighter, don't be fooled by her appearance as an attractive woman and a good physique, because she could kick your ass or even put anyone in a coma if she were bothered. Without a doubt, a person to be feared

Alice: I wonder if...

A vague momentary memories of the previous day began to sound inside Alice's mind, people on the ground, bullets and swords around, blood scattered and a woman with somewhat bloodstained hands, breathing tiredly.

Alice: They will give me a more normal and calm assignment today

Alice got up, made her bed and went to make her breakfast.
The news on television in the morning was more than evident, a massacre in a hygienic products warehouse

Alice: Well, luckily I don't buy from that brand

Alice finished her breakfast, washed her dishes, and went to clean her parakeet's cage.

Alice: And that's it, ok Pitt you can come, your food is ready and fill up your water

Pitt flew straight to his cage, Alice was glad to see her parakeet every day, it was something that kept her calm and helped her forget the bad times, it kept her head occupied

Alice: Well, I have to go friend, food doesn't pay for itself

Alice took her coat, prepared her jacket and tied her hair, took her keys and went outside to get her car.
It was a fairly normal and calm morning in Aichi prefecture, for yesterday to have been a somewhat particular day, the morning of that day was calm and very normal

They did not want to work with how beautiful the day was, but as Alice said, food does not pay for itself, so she went out, checked her mailbox, just magazines and offers, and from that, she took her vehicle and went to work

Alice started working at the age of 19, despite having been trained and having had a hard time at such a young age, Alice proved her worth and what she was capable of Alice was part of a private security force, GreenHill Private Security Agency
Alice was heading towards the center of the prefecture to meet her boss.

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