𝟬𝟬𝟮 New Friends

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Ruyi retorts, shooting him a glare.

Sokka quickly raises his arms in defense. "I-I didn't say anything!" he stammers, a nervous smile spreading across his face as he glances around, avoiding the sharp gaze of the general.

As they approach the house, Ruyi gestures toward the impressive structure made of sturdy marble, its grandeur evident in its size and intricate architecture. The house boasts spacious rooms and elegant furnishings, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the interior. A spacious garden stretches out in front, filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, adding to the beauty of the property.

"Here we are," Ruyi announces, her voice tinged with a hint of formality as she leads Aang and his friends through the front gate. "This will be your home during your stay in Ch'uan."

Aang's eyes widen in awe as he takes in the sight of the impressive residence. "Wow, it's incredible!" he exclaims, unable to hide his excitement.

"Yeah, I could get used to this," Sokka adds, a grin spreading across his face.

Katara nods in agreement, a grateful smile gracing her lips. "Thank you so much for your hospitality, General Ruyi. We truly appreciate it," she expresses her gratitude, momentarily forgetting about Ruyi's earlier coldness.

Ruyi nods curtly, her expression remaining stoic as ever. "You're welcome," she responds, her tone still icy. "If you need anything during your stay, don't hesitate to ask me or my little sister Feifei here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to." With that, she turns and strides away, leaving Aang and his friends to admire their new surroundings.

"This is just an ordinary house in Ch'uan, you see," Feifei says with a smile, watching as the lemur named Momo flies into one of the house's windows. "You haven't seen the rest yet."

Sokka whirls around to face her. "Are you saying that your people live in luxury?"

Feifei shoots him a look. It takes her a moment to respond, considering how her people do enjoy a life of luxury if this is their reaction to a simple and relatively modest house. The palace is the most opulent structure on the island, constructed of pure diamond and gold. Even the homes of businessmen, nobles, and commoners boast multiple stories. Everyone here runs successful shops and thriving businesses as if they're living in the future.

"Mm, you could say that," Feifei answers with a shrug.

"Are you serious?" Katara gasps, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "If this is just an ordinary house, then I never want to leave this island!"

"I'm with you on that!" Aang chimes in, creating a tiny air scooter and zooming around the expansive front yard, with Momo trailing behind him, holding an apple.

"Me too!" Sokka agrees as he runs into the house, leaving Feifei standing at the front gate of the house.

To Aang, Sokka, and Katara, the idea of never leaving Ch'uan seems perfectly reasonable──they've never set foot on this luxurious island before. But for Feifei, it's a different story. She's always yearned to escape this dull place. The desire to leave burns inside her, fueled by a longing to witness the war firsthand and, perhaps, even search for her father. He never returned after he and his men went to fight in the war against the Fire Nation five years ago.

No letters. No news. It's as if he's truly . . . gone.

Ruyi and their mother have stopped talking about him altogether, truly believing he's dead──a hero fallen in the war. While Feifei still have hope that her father is still alive out there, she is forced to remain oblivious, growing up without a father. In Ch'uan, people tend to bury their feelings deep, avoiding discussions about the war as if it doesn't exist──though it's no secret that Ch'uan is a secluded island, and some have become extremely isolationist.

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