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Hi, Cyprus here! Welcome to this short story, originally written for Rewind The Classics 2022, but as it never amounted to anything, I figured I'd give it another chance to shine by making some edits and submitting it this year!

As mentioned in the blurb, this is my own take on The Wolf and Seven Young Kids. In the original story, a mother leaves her (goat) children in their small country cottage while she heads to the market, warning them about the dangers of the wolf. The mother leaves without worry, and oops... a little while later the wolf has tricked the kids into opening the door and they've all been eaten. Except one, who climbs out of a clock case to tell his mother about the horrifying events of the day. But it doesn't end there. Apparently the wolf is sound asleep, and the mother can cut him open, save her kids, put rocks in his stomach and sew him back up before he wakes. Then he drowns in a well. Great story, right?

The supposed theme is: "Bad things happen to bad people." And also, what I take from it: "Don't be dumb enough to let a murderer in your door."

I guess those things are true, but not necessarily the best lessons to teach young, impressionable children. So I took it upon myself to improve this story, giving it both a modern setting and a brand new, sparkly theme that's sure to frighten children less.

Sorry for all that... but now, onto the story.

My official prompt: The world is like a magical theatre where fairytales and realities intertwine. So what if the wolf was the seven kids' babysitter instead?

And I have to give another thank you to LavenWho who created the adorable cover for this entry on such short notice.

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