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"A friend is someone that brings us smile even in our tears, whose memories make us smile across the miles and throughout the year." 



"Shouldn't you be scolding me that I am wasting my time on something ridiculous? Doesn't that what parents do?" Harshad raised a brow, coming back to his mischievous self.

"I would have done that if you were a teenager. But you have already crossed thirty and it's high time you get married." Harshad narrowed his eyes at his dad as Mr Mathur went back to reading the magazine.

"I am just twenty-eight, stop increasing my age. And I have no interest in ending up in marriage at such a small age. I deserve to enjoy my life." Harshad argued making the senior Mathur glare at him.

"I as well deserve to enjoy my life and I am very much interested in seeing my daughter-in-law. So, when I am going to meet her?"

"Who?" Harshad choked as he stared at him in horror.

"The girl you were talking about," Mathur narrowed his eyes at Harshad.

"She isn't going to be your daughter-in-law. Stop fantasizing about things that aren't even far-fetched in reality." Harshad growled at his father's enthusiastic spirit.

"When I am going to meet her?" Mathur repeated the same question making Harshad accept his defeat.

"Maybe soon... or maybe not." Harshad muttered suddenly realizing about her departure. "She is going to leave soon for her cousin's place."

"Wow! Long distance relationship, that's always exciting." Mathur teased making Harshad shake his head at his father. "Chill! Son, she is already into you." He assured him making Harshad jerk his head at his father in curiousness.

"How do you know?"

"None can resist my son's charm." And with those words both ended up in a series of laughter.

"I know, I am the best!" Harshad raised his imaginary collar in pride.


"Have you talked about him to Dhruv?" Kiara's sudden interrogation made Amrita choke on her chips. She stared at Kiara in horror and scanned the living area of Avni's house.

"Kiara!" She glared at her, "you can't speak about it like that. I had mentioned to you, it's secret." Amrita seemed displeased with Kiara mentioning the topic.

"You are going to leave within two days and maybe visit us after a year." Kiara paused for a minute, attempting to make her understand. "Amu, you need to share a certain part of your life with your brother. He deserves to know certain aspects of your life. I won't be able to hold secrets from him for a longer period."

"You held secret from him already and it had been from many years. Can't you keep a small thing from him?" Amrita sounded disappointed with Kiara as she scanned that none was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What if things turn worse? You hold feelings for him what if that guy attempts to take..."

"That's the reason I didn't want to share with anyone." Amrita stood from the couch in annoyance. "Why do you people still consider me a kid? I am younger in age than all of you but I know what's wrong and right. I won't end up doing things that aren't appropriate." She shook her head, staring at Kiara with a displeased face. "I thought at least you will understand me. But you had disappointed me, Kiara." With those words, she disappeared from the living area. Leaving Kiara alone to deal with the building guilt.

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