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"To lose you is my worst fear." 



Kiara had planned to attend the engagement but had also decided to keep the interaction with Dhruv less. With very much difficulty, she was distancing herself from Dhruv. She was determined to spend a few hours and soon leave back to Goa, but the scenario gifted to her was different. Knowing Dhruv would be stressed out, she couldn't walk off. So, she made her way towards the area, she anticipated he would be.

As she was making her way towards the terrace, she heard some grumbles taking place as she passed the room. Her eyes without its knowledge glanced in the direction. Atul along with Shubham was discussing some matter. She was going to overlook it as some political debate taking place but upon mention of her friend's name, she suddenly grew interested in the conversation.

"I know, you will be pissed off with Aditi's decision. I am aware that you will want her to think about your family's pride before considering her dream. But you are aware of her passionate spirit, she drives deep in her work." Shubham was providing justification on his daughter's behalf. Shubham had a hard exterior, he was a calculated human. Allowing others to glance at the emotion, he wanted to display. None could ever depict if his praises were for real or a layer of fakeness.

He was smart and often understood humans better. He had an amazing skill to use appropriate words with appropriate people. That was the reason that people mostly got more comfortable with Shubham than with Atul. People considered Atul, rough, rude and egoistic. That was the manner he interacted with the world. The reason behind Atul's children not being fond of him. But Atul was far more honest with others than Shubham could ever be yet he was praised more.

"It isn't about her passion. She can't just walk off from her commitment." Atul scowled at Shubham, his posture looking more dangerous in the piece of professional attire. Though he had dressed up for his son's engagement yet he had to look professional. "I admire responsibility in humans and I discovered your daughter lacks it." Atul never thought twice before uttering a word. He never bothered himself that his words could hurt others' feelings.

Even if those words had wounded Shubham, his face was covered with a smile. "She is a kid, Atul. Just attempting to grow up, you need to understand that humans make mistakes."

"But I need a perfect wife that could tame my son. I don't have the energy to deal with another indiscipline creature." Muttered Atul, hissing in anger as he walked towards his desk.

Kiara found it unbelievable that how could a father use such words for his son? She wasn't sure what Atul was expecting from Dhruv? He was acting as if Dhruv was wasting his money on some addiction. Kiara rolled her eyes, her mood switching to sadness. She never admired Atul, she never adored the way he behaved with others. As a child, she often thought that Atul was heartless and how come he was gifted with such a wonderful wife?

She was strolling in the corridor with her mind engulfed in Atul's words. Then suddenly she was pulled into a tight hug.

"Stupid girl, where on earth were you?" A familiar, hoarse voice whispered in her ears. Her head was pushed into familiar arms. The cologne allowed her to close her eyes in peace. She had missed those, secure arms so much. Those arms had often allowed her to shed tears for hours. Those arms that had always made her feel protected.

"I missed you..." she nuzzled her face further into his chest. All her determination, all her reasoning had rushed out of the window. His presence could make her forget the world revolving around them.

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