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She walked the road getting a lot of welcome homes and greetings. The ball park wasn't far from there plus it was also good for the exercise.

Karma walked in seeing Brooke using the machine to launch the balls and she swung hard hearing the sound hit from a mile away. She sighed and walked in. Brooke continued to swing even though she sensed Karma's presence.
"I missed you, you know."
"How couldn't you." She replied back sounding with aggression and also emotion in her voice.
"Why didn't you come visit for that week."
"I did- I just."
"You just what Brooke. I needed you and you just never showed up."
"I tried Karma!" She said swinging almost launching the whole bat.
"Brooke, turn to me."
She ignored her that time.
"Face me Brooke, look at me."
The second time she just took out her aggression on the balls.
"What! What is it!" She said turning with the bat flinging out of her hands almost hitting Karma but she didn't flinch.
Brooke had tears, real painful tears in her eyes.
"What Brooke, what is it about!"
"Nothing! Now stop screaming at my face."
"I know when somethings wrong! So just tell me with your stubborn ass already!"
"You really wanna know? Oh alright then. You get everything Karma! Regardless if your mother's dead or not, you get everything! I have to keep my family stuck with string to me. I'm their kid! Me, Karma. I am, and you and Bryce just seem to have what they want. I'm never enough."

"Brooke I-"

"You got one organ missing and suddenly it's a whole neighbourhood gathering. I had to work my ass off to get here today! But it's all just handed to you!"
"Brooke you have to understand-"

"I don't need to understand shit Karmaine! Sometimes I wish I wasn't even here." She just, left.
Karma watched as her bestfriend turned the corner and vanished. They both had slow tears dropping from their eyes. Karma sat on the bleachers she was standing on and let it out. She always knew Brooke's parents loved her but never more than her. She wanted to be with her right now, there's no one else that could make her happy. For crying out loud they have each other's first name as their middle.
Karma broke down, she couldn't handle it. For all she blamed Brooke for not visiting she wish she didn't, she forgot how stressed others could be over traumatic things like this, let alone Brooke held that secret firm for her for almost a month.

The day after, Karma woke up. She took a bath not forgetting what happened yesterday.
Karma sighed getting ready and heading downstairs. As she opened the door Brooke opened hers to. They made eye contact swiftly but didn't speak. "Morning girls." Melanie said smiling pouring their bowls of cereal. They replied blandly back. "I think I'll just have an apple|juice."
Brooke looked at her and swiftly looked away. She grabbed her apple and walked back up to her room, same with Karma and her juice.
The house went quiet with shock. "Did you just see what I saw." Bryce says walking into the kitchen wide mouthed. Daryl shook his head. "Is there something that happened that we don't know?-"
Then they realised.
Brooke was missing from Karma's welcome home cookout.

The sports season was over and now it was just practice for every sport in texas.

Brooke and Karma only looked in each other's direction for the past week. Everyone realized the tension between them and tried to help in someway, but both girls always shot them with the line; "we're fine."

Melanie called down both girls to sit by the island. They sat and everyone was either on the other side or to their left and right side. Conner, Harlan, Beth and the normal household was there.
"We know something's going on, so spill."
"Nothing's wrong." Brooke said but Karma kept quiet.
"Kar." They all looked at her waiting for a response.
"You haven't been treating Brooke well lately-"
Brooke snapped her head with wide eyes but Karma continued.
"All the time I was in the hospital which you blamed her for, made her feel like she f'd up bad. I know I'm not blood to you guys and never will be, but I don't want to take your blood daughter away from you."
She inhaled ready to go again.
"In a way Brooke felt neglected, she blames what happened to me on her everyday and she thinks she disappointed you."
"So this is what we're doing now, Karma I could've handled it myself!" Tears flowed down her face and she hopped off the chair speedily walking upstairs.
Karma followed her and opened the door.

Brooke backed up into the corner on her bed trying to stop the tears from letting loose.
"B, you have to understand-"
"Karma I don't have to understand shit! I know enough already!"

The yelling upstairs made everyone rush in an informal way almost trampling each other up the stairs.

"You don't and if you would just listen-!"
"Fine! Tell me what I don't know."
"People down there care for you, they really do, and for you to see that, you have to open your eyes Brooke. No one thinks you're a burden, mistake or any of that shit. You're Brooklyn Karmaine Fitzsimmons and my bestfriend!"

Brooke came off her high and sucked up her tears. She nearly knocked Karma over with a tight hug.
"I'm sorry."
"There's no need to apologize B, all that matters is that we're together again, I love you."

My boy~ Conner Payton Where stories live. Discover now