Over at his~9

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Karma and Brooke made back up of course. Plus she was also eagered to tell her bestfriend what happened.
At the boys' practice they took this time to do so.

"And he kisses like a dreamer. B, it was amazinggg." Brooke rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Ok to much info but I'm glad you're smiling again."
"Oh also can I get a ride to his after they finish?"
"I'm going over to Harlan's why don't you just catch a ride with him and his dad."
"Ok, first of all that shit would be so tense and second of all you and Harboy." Karma said nudging Brooke and they laughed together.

Practice ended and the boys went to change in the locker room. "Hey you're girlfriends are getting along again. Marcose said as he took off his knee pads. "She's not my girlfriend." The two boys said at the same time. "We know you guys have been railing them, so why deny it." Jason said as he packed his bag.
"Woah, woah, no one said anything about literal sex and plus half of you guys can't even get a girl to look at you." Conner said rolling his eyes getting his things together. "How much bets." Brian said as he placed a hand in. Nearly half the team minus of course Harlan and Conner placed their hands in. "If we can be in the talking stage with a girl before Karma's comp, everyone has to contribute 30 bucks, if not we have to give those 30 bucks equally to Harlan and Conner." The room fell silent and a serious of 'whats' were going  around the room. "That's the most fucked up bet yet but I'm in!" Paulie said cheering and raising his hands.
"Oh you guys are so gunna be broke before the summer ends." Harlan chuckled as they got their things and headed separate ways.

As Conner walked out he saw Karma talking to his dad and he nodded?
"Hey uh, what's up." Karma pointed to the truck that Harlan hopped in with Brooke driving. "Oh shit she's gunna get railed!"
"You sound just like Brian." Karma rolled her eyes at his playful talk. The three hopped in the car with Sean and Conner in the front while Karma was in the back looking at the trees passing by. That's one of the things she likes. Nature, it calms her in a way no one else could, and she loves loves flower gardens. The hundreds of rows of different vibrant colors-."

"So Karma, you and Con."
"Oh no no, well atleast not yet." She said the last part under her breathe but knew the two upfront heard it. It made Conner blush and Sean grin.

"No distractions though, this up coming game is important. I'm sure you know Karma." Sean said as he pulled up by the side walk of Beth's house. It was currently 9p.m and outside was dark.
"I know Mr.Payton, but I'll take good care of him. Thanks for the ride." She said smiling and heading inside. Conner and his dad stood outside for a bit talking against his car.

He was disappointed in his dad but it all came around. "And you and Ms.Hall." Sean said with his arms folded and nudging his son. "She's pretty you know, normal teenage girl shit."
"Not normal to you though."
"Dadd." Conner stressed on the word and picked up his bag. "Picking me up for practice tomorrow right?"
"Sure will son, that's if coach Troy doesn't fire me." Conner chuckled and headed inside.

Karma greeted Beth and Jamie and she and Beth talked while Conner was chatting. He soon came inside and the two headed downstairs to his room.

Conner hopped in the shower while Karma got comfy on the bed.
A little while later he came out in basketball shorts and no shirt with dripping wet hair. "Shit." She said reading her messages. "What's up."
"Brooke's staying over at Harlan's for the night, she probably planned it cause she has clothes but didn't tell me anything. Could I maybe borrow a shirt or something."
Conner smiled at how she talked softer at the last part but went into his closet and found something for her. 
It was an oversized jersey that can't fit him yet. "And the best I've got is shorts."
Karma nodded and came out looking like some type of animal, she didn't even know which one to choose. The two laughed softly at her fit knowing the house had gone to sleep.

Now they were cuddled up on his bed. Conner laying on his back propped up on pillows while Karma layed on top of him playing with his hair at the back. Both of their eyes were closed and the room barely had light in it if it wasn't for the moon. Conner decided not to put on his LED's this one  night.
"You know they made bet to get a girlfriend in a week?"
"No way, really cause it seems so impossible to believe." Karma said sarcastically sitting up. Conner opened his eyes and looked at her. He looked at Karma's lips still having his hand on her side underneath her shirt. Karma rolled her eyes and went for it.

Conner flipped her on her back in the middle of the bed and went in between her legs not letting go of her lips agaisnt his. He was rough with it tonight and that placed knots in Karma's stomach.
Then he went down to her neck. With Karma letting out some heavy breath's  as it almost sounded like she was going to mo@n but she didn't. Conner pulled away from her neck and looked at her below him. He smiled making her confused but went back for her lips.
Only god knows what time they went to bed.

My boy~ Conner Payton Where stories live. Discover now