Yeah, piss off

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Race and Albert stood in the corner, whispering feverishly to each other.

"I can't believe he showed his face here," Race growled, eyes darting from the corner, where that smug bastard was sipping his coffee.

"He wants you back obviously, he's pathetic and you were way out of his league." Albert agreed, shooting daggers.

"Well I'm not talking to him." Race said, cutting the bastards head off with his hand scissors.

"Want me to kick him out?" Albert asked.

"No," Race sighed. "He hasn't paid yet."

Albert nodded in agreement.

"Hey!" Jacobi yelled from across the kitchen, "get back to work!"

Albert gasped, "his ex his here!"

"Well I'm not paying you to just stand there!" He yelled back.

Albert turned to Race, "the audacity-"

"Albert it's fine, he's in your zone, I'll just do my customers and act like I don't see him."

"He's one table away from your zone!" Albert argued.

"Just get back to work." Race grumbled and walked away.

Today was one of their easier days, occupied with just five people, mucking around. Most were just sitting there, swirling their coffee. Race could assume they were just delaying going back to work. Others were eating fast, obviously late.

The man was back, but he didn't seem so high today, just ate his food normally. Race's done a few stupid things while high so he's chosen to be forgiving in spirit.

One of them was stay with the bastard the table over, smiling at Race like he won the lottery.

"Hello sir, would you like your check?" Race asked, to the much finished man just sitting there. He shrugged, looking down at his empty coffee.

"Refill by any chance?" He asked, holding it up.

Race nodded and went to the back, filling up the coffee, burning his touch slightly.

When he returned, a groups of old ladies were settling down, blocking his route back to the man.


Going through Alberts section, with his head held, just a bit too high, Race handed the man his coffee.

"Here you go sir." He said.

"Thank you," the man replied.

On his way back, as he passed the dreaded table, a bruise endorsing grip grabbed at his hand. He gasped and turned, his ex standing there angry.

"You can't keep ignoring me." He said, breathing uneven.

"I can if I'm done with you." Race whispered, wrenching his hand away. "You're making a scene."

"You caused this!" Oscar, his ex, shot up. Like he'd been itching for a fight all this time.

Race seethed, "I told you I never liked you, not when we were dating, certainly not now."

"You said you were going to learn to love me." Oscar stepped towards him.

Race stepped back, "I was high."

"Can't we just put it behind us?" Oscar lunged forward, as if to hug him. Race easily side stepped and walked forward.

"Nope," he said simply, picking up dirty dishes.

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