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I TOOK SLOW BREATHS AS I MADE MY WAY INSIDE of scarlett and adams house. my footsteps trailed upstairs seeing a glare from the bathroom light.

this motherfucker was going to die tonight.

my head turned quickly as i heard a cry and shout that sounded like it was out of some sort of frustration. i walked into the bathroom slowly seeing adam in the bathtub as my eyes trailed down to cuts across the both of his wrists.

this motherfucker wasn't going to get out the easy way.

i walked over to him looking down at him in the tub watching his eyes immediately meet with mine. "w-what the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled trying to get out of the bath tub quickly as i pushed him right back down forcefully as water sloshed down onto the floor.

"sit the fuck down adam" i snapped, even seeing this man made my blood boil.

"get out of here" he sniffled as a confused look swept across his face as to why i was here. i crouched down beside him inspecting the cuts on his arms and laughed a bit at he pitiful he sounded and looked.

"they're not deep enough that's going to do it adam" i sighed closing the bathroom door sitting in front of him.

"you see my friend, you never fail to disappoint me"

he looked at me scared as a shift of realization hit his face.

"you're the one whose been seeing my god damn fiancé " he snapped as a smirk swept across my face.

"correction" i snapped.

"ex fiancé" i said rubbing my temples already tired of hearing this assholes voice.

"do you want me to finish this job adam?" i said tapping the back of my knife against my head as the anger in his face  quickly shifted to fear.
"n-no get the fuck out of here before i call the fucking cops!" he yelled attempting to get back out of tub again as i slammed him back down causing water to slosh on the floor.

"i'm going to fucking kill you adam okay? jesus christ don't make my job harder than it has to be." i nodded standing up as i smirked bit pushing his head under the water watching him struggle as he tried to come back up.


i laughed a bit holding his head up as he gasped out for air. "i'm doing you a favor adam" i said with a small smile pushing his head back down under the water watching him struggle again for a few more seconds. i pulled away watching him regain his breath again.

i leaned against the wall watching adam as he breathed heavily trying to get his words out "s-she's going to hate you for the rest of your miserable life" he breathed out as the color from his face drained.

"i'll make sure she loves me for the rest of her pretty little life, meanwhile while you're going to be buried six feet in the fucking ground rotting, i'm going to be falling in love with her more and more everyday." i snapped a bit taking another slow breath to calm myself at the thought of scar ever hating me.

"i'm going to fuck her every night and cater to her when she's grieving over your pathetic wasteful ass. and time after that i'm going to give her a beautiful family that you couldn't even dare to have because you're a abusive piece of shit who is going to rot six feet under" i said watching him with a smirk seeing a tear slid down his face coughing up the water out of his lungs.

 𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋, 𝐁.𝐄Where stories live. Discover now