Chapter 10:

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Maci's POV

I tried calling her back after she'd hung up, but she had turned her phone off. It went straight to voice mail. She said she was done with everything. What could that mean? I know she's been depressed in the past, but she's never really done anything about it.

I tried calling her one last time, her phone was still off. Despite how much I dislike her father, I'm going to have to call him..

"Hello?" "Hi, this is Maci, have you spoken to Izzy? She's not answering her phone." "No I haven't I'm on a business trip all this week." "Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you, I'm just worried about her." "Is everything okay?" "I don't know. Thank you for the information." "Hey, if you need to go check on her, there is a key in the pot near the back door." "Okay cool, thank you Mr. Chapman." "Of course. Take care." "You too."


I unlocked the door and called out for Izzy. "Izzy? Are you home? Are you okay?" I got no response. I know she's here... I know she is. I walked upstairs to her room and opened her door. There was a note on her bed, i picked it up and began reading it.

"Dear whoever is reading this, I made the worst decision of my life when I decided to go to that party with Skyler. I'm glad I could give Jackson a good home, I'm devastated that it couldn't be with me. I Just feel so empty inside, like everything in me has been scooped out and vultures are devouring every bit of me. I feel so numb, yet I can continuously cry... To me, it makes null sense. I just want to say sorry, for putting everyone through so much pain during my short life. I'm sorry dad, that I disappointed you, that I'm a failure of a daughter. Mom, I'm sorry i failed you. I never even met you and I failed you. I feel especially deprived of life knowing that I failed my mother. Maci... I'm sorry I've been a shit friend, I should have been there for you more than I was. I'm selfish, horridly stupid letting my studies slip. My grades are horrid, and I can't bring them back up. I haven't been to school in weeks... I guess you could call this my goodbye, so I'll just get on with it... I love you, all of you. I'm sorry it has to be this way... I'll see you all soon, bye.."

There was tear marks smudging some of the wording making black streaks down the page. I walked to her bathroom and opened the door falling to my knees. "Izzy!" I screamed through my tears. "Izzy! Wake up!" I screamed again pulling her arm. I picked up the bottle on the floor reading Klonopin. "IZZY!" she was blue and cold to the touch. I pulled out my phone and called 911.

"911 whats your emergency?" "I need help, my best friend tried to commit suicide I don't know if she's okay!" "Put your ear to her chest. What do you hear?" "Nothing!" "Put two fingers on her wrist, do you feel a pulse?" "No! Help, please help!" "Stay on the line miss, we're on our way to your location."

It took them less than 2 minutes to arrive with a stretcher and some other equipment. They put her on the stretcher checking her vitals "She has no pulse." They say bringing out the defibrillator. "Charge to 100" One of the paramedics says. "200." Her lifeless body jumped from the stretcher, as the medical tech's words pierce through my heart. "Time of death, 20:17." They put a cloth over her body and took her out of the house.

I was asked to leave the room because it was a crime scene i guess. "Did you know her well?" I was asked. "She was m-my best friend. MY best friend." "Have you notified her parents?" "N-no. I can't!" "Do you have the number of her guardian?" "Yeah, let me get it." I pulled out my phone going to Izzy's dad's number and pressing call, handing it to the paramedic.

I couldn't bare listening to what he said, I walked outside watching them take her away, tears streaming down my face. "Izzy!" I screamed knowing she couldn't hear me. She was dead... Gone... forever. My best friend is gone forever.


We all sat in rows, dressed in all black on a nice weathered morning. I sat next to Isabel's father while he ceased to cry. He stared blankly at his daughters casket while everyone sat in silence, her other relatives crying in despair. "Today we are gathered not to mourn the loss of a life, but to celebrate the life of a bright girl who's time was cut too short. Isabel Chapman, 14 years of age died last Wednesday despite paramedics efforts in resuscitation. Today, we gather to cherish her life, to bring everyone together to share their grief. Would anyone like to have a few words?" The priest asked. Her father walked up and started mumbling some words into the microphone. You could tell he wanted to cry but didn't. I couldn't give any words... Everything was all too much..

After the sermon, I went up to her casket and looked down at her... "I miss you so much Izzy." I said near tears. "I would do anything to have you back... I'm sorry I couldn't help you when you needed me most. I'm so sorry.... I love you, I'll never forget you. I promise."


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