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AUTHOR'S NOTE: head empty can't think of anything to write but i wanted to update so here's a special chapter filled with little incorrect quotes i made in the last few weeks bc i will never be stopped and i think they're really funny. I hope you like this <3333 i had almost too much fun with these heheheh

 I hope you like this <3333 i had almost too much fun with these heheheh

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Elisa: Caelum, can you get that box of pasta from the top shelf?

Caelum: So you admit to needing me in your life.

Elisa: I can and will replace you with a step stool.

                                                       .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

[in an argument]

Elisa: bite me!

Caelum: when?!

Elisa: [small gasp]

                                                        .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

Caelum: This is a crazy idea. Stupid. Insane and it doesn't even make sense!

Elisa: So, will you do it?

Caelum: For you? Of course!

                                                          .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

Professor Snape: You'd better have a good explanation for this.

Bloodied Caelum, carrying a sleeping Elisa: I have three, actually. You can pick your favorite.

                                                            .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

Professor McGonagall: Have you no control over your soul bound?

Elisa, watching Caelum with fondness: None whatsoever.

                                                               .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

Elisa: Alright, how many of you know Caelum and I are soul bound?

Elisa, sighing: Caelum, put your hand down, amore mio.

                                                                .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° ✹ °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

Elisa: You're an idiot.

Caelum: I'm your idiot.

Caelum, shoving his wedding ring in Elisa's face: Forever too, you promised!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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