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Grayson Manor, Hamptons

Two days later

Tired and exhausted, Daniel, Charlotte and Emily with Julian in her arms entered Grayson Manor and put their bags down. After they had taken care of everything in Cleveland, they had flown back home, where they first had picked up Julian from Jack and Ava and then had driven on to the Manor. It was ghostly quiet in the house, reminding them that one of the home owners was dead and the other one vanished. Daniel put his arm around Charlotte's shoulder and squeezed it as he saw her lower lip began to tremble. Only now, that they were back home, they realized that their father would never return to this place. And there was still no trace of Victoria. Emily rather would have spent the night at the beach house, but she didn't want to leave the two mourners alone. So she had spontaneously decided to stay at the Manor as well. For Julian it made no difference, since he had a nursery here, as well as over there. But Charlotte wanted to be in her familiar surroundings, which Emily could understand, after everything she had been through. She looked up as someone came down the stairs, and for a moment she thought it was Victoria. But it was only the house maid.

"Welcome home, Mr. Grayson, ... Charlotte," she greeted, frowning questioningly as she noticed Emily.

"My wife will stay overnight," Daniel explained quickly, following the gaze of his employees. "Please prepare one of the guest rooms."

Emily looked at him in surprise. After they already had slept together in the beach house, she had expected to sleep with him in his bed. But he probably didn't want the staff to spread gossip. What they probably had done anyway after being separated from him for almost two months. She turned to Daniel. "I'll bring Julian to his room, so that he can go to sleep again."

He nodded. "I'll be right there. Charlotte, would you like to go to your room, too?"

She turned to the stairs. "Yes, I'm tired. I'm going to bed now." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and went slowly upstairs.

"On behalf of all the staff members, I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to you," the maid said sympathetically.

"Thank you, Rosa." Daniel cleared his throat. "Is there any news about my mother's whereabouts?"

She shook her head regretfully. "Unfortunately, no. But the police will take care of it now that you're back. Am I right Mr. Grayson?"

Daniel nodded wearily and wiped his eyes. "Yes, it's more than 48 hours since she disappeared. I will report her as missing."

"There were a lot of letters and mail incoming during your absence," she said. "Some for your father as well." She cleared her throat. "I put everything into your father's study. I hope it's okay?"

"Yes, of course, Rosa. I'll take care of the mail tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep. It's quite late." He forced a smile. "Good night! If you have prepared the guest room upstairs, you can also go home then."

"Thank you, Mr. Grayson." She curtsied slightly. "Good night to you, too!" She hurriedly ran up the stairs.

Daniel wondered whether he should take a look at the mail first, but decided against it. He was just too exhausted to concentrate on business matters regarding Grayson Global. What would happen with the company now that his father was dead? He had enough work as a publisher, as he could also attend to business of Grayson Global. But most certainly his father expected from him to continue the business. He had been glad when he could give up his CEO position years ago. Groaning, he ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know how to cope with all the things which crashed in on him now and forced him to make a decision. Tomorrow he would start, he decided. Now he had to sleep first. Slowly he went upstairs and opened the door to Julian's nursery and looked inside.

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