Birthday Surprise

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Grayson Manor, Hamptons

June 28th (10 days later)

"Happy Birthday!"

When Daniel entered Grayson Manor late in the evening, seeing the many guests who apparently had gathered in the hall of the manor to celebrate his birthday, he didn't know whether he should flee or endure the surprise party. He was tired from a long workday at the publishing house and a following visit at James Morris' private investigation company and only longed for peace, a shower and his bed. But in view of the number of invited guests, congratulating and hugging him now and handing gifts over to him, he probably would refrain from it. He forced himself to smile and feign excitement. Something that he wasn't doing for the first time. He was a Grayson. He had been born and raised to fake emotions. So he shook hands and smiled well-behaved. But there was one person who noticed how he really felt.

"Congratulations, Daniel!" Charlotte exclaimed loud and clear, that everyone could hear it, hugged him briefly, and then maneuvered him into another room. "I'm really sorry! I should have warned you. But then I would've ruined Mom's performance." She rolled her eyes demonstratively. "I know how much you hate such parties. But just play along, okay?"

Daniel nodded and then grinned at his sister. "Believe me, I will return the favor on your birthday," he threatened, then put an arm around her shoulder lovingly. "Come on!" He demanded. "Let's get back to the party." They went back to the hall.

"My beloved son!" Victoria walked to Daniel and hugged him. "I can't believe it's been 28 years since I brought you home from the hospital." She kissed his cheek one more time and released him.

Daniel was about to turn away when he heard a man's voice behind him.

"Oh yes, that was just perfect. Could I have this pose again?"

He turned around in confusion and stared straight into a camera lens. "You are...?" He began, but was interrupted.

"I'm from the Daily News," the photographer introduced himself. "Mrs. Grayson engaged me to take pictures for our magazine."

Of course! Daniel had to suppress a moan. Victoria Grayson didn't leave nothing to chance. "Was it really necessary to invite the press, Mom?" He asked her with clenched teeth while he struck the same pose again.

"Of course," she whispered to him. "It's important that we make a good impression, especially now that it became publicly known that Emily left you."

"What?" He let go of her as if he had burned himself and stepped back. "What do you mean by that?" he asked shocked.

Victoria quickly turned to the photographer. "Thank you, that's enough for now," she said, making a gesture that he should go. "We can't talk here," she hissed. "Come with me!" She took his arm and dragged him over to her husband's study.

"Okay, speak up! How does the press know that Emily and I live apart?" He asked, as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Guilty." Victoria smiled nervously. "They asked me for an interview, in celebration of your birthday, and I may have mentioned that you are now single again."

"Are you out of your mind?!" He didn't even try to soften his voice. "How dare you to pass this on to the press? Besides, nothing could be further from the truth!"

"Daniel, calm down and lower your voice!" Victoria tried to soothe her son. "Of course I told them, that only she was to blame for your separation. She left you. And a divorce is only the logical consequence of it."

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