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Fairview Hospital, Cleveland

The hospital, fortunately, was not very far from the hotel, and Emily was relieved when the driver stopped right in front of the entrance. She paid him quickly, then went out. Her path led her directly to the reception desk after she had passed the main entrance.

"My name is Emily Grayson. I'm currently a guest at the Cleveland Hotel," she said, placing her maternity log on the counter. "I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a bleeding."

The lady at the reception desk nodded. "Please wait here. I'll let someone come up from gynecology."

Emily was amazed at how quickly someone came and brought her with a wheelchair up to the ob-gyn unit. She was taken to a treatment room immediately, where she was physically examined and an ultrasound scan was made. Inwardly churning, she waited for the examination result.

"It's not unusual for hemorrhages to occur in the early pregnancy," the doctor explained. "Of course we have to take every kind of bleeding seriously and try to find out what the trigger was for it, but I can assure you that your baby is doing well."

"Really?" Tears of relief and gratefulness appeared in Emily's eyes. "I didn't miscarry?"

The doctor smiled. "No, you are still pregnant. Do you want to hear the baby's heartbeat?"

Emily nodded, and while the doctor was controlling the heartbeat, she lay there with her eyes closed, listening to the steady pounding.

"Although I can't see any signs of a miscarriage at the moment, I want you to stay with us for 48 hours," the doctor said. "We'll examine you again in a few hours." She looked at Emily with a serious face. "Have you had stress lately?"

Emily remembered the last days and hours and could only nod. But she didn't want to go into detail before the doctor. She would have to deal with it herself.

"This can be a trigger, of course," the doctor said thoughtfully. "Just like a fast sequenced pregnancy." She touched the scar the c-section had caused. "The scar is not very old," she mused. "How old is your child?"

"My son is six months old," Emily said, then cleared her throat. "This pregnancy wasn't planned," she confessed, feeling heat rising into her cheeks. "It was an... accident."

The doctor smiled. "You need not justify yourself. Some parents even want the children to be close to each other by age because they believe they have more in common. However, I always advise the couples to wait a year before planning a next pregnancy. Especially after a c-section the body needs time to heal again."

"Yes, my doctor in Paris told me. She also informed me about the fact that this can lead into a premature delivery. My little son was a preemie."

"You lived in Paris?" The doctor asked surprised.

Emily nodded. "I only returned yesterday."

"And what do you do here in Cleveland, if I may ask?"

Emily wondered if she should tell the doctor the reason. "My parents-in-law's jet probably crashed in that area," she began hesitantly.

The doctor took the patient file and read the patient's name, frowning. "Grayson," she muttered, then raised her head to look at Emily. "You are the daughter-in-law of the rich industrialist couple Grayson," she said. "I heard in the news that their plane had crashed somewhere here."

Emily nodded. "That is why I flew to Cleveland. My husband and sister-in-law are also here."

The doctor wiped the ultrasound gel from Emily's stomach. "For the next days, you are under a flying ban." She looked at Emily with a serious face. "Your body wants to tell you with the bleeding that you had already too much stress. A stay at high altitude, can lead to more serious complications."

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