
"Hello, Yoongi, it is nice to see you again. How are you?" The pale man, sitting across the table, stared apathetically at him. Min Yoongi may be considered insane but he's not dumb to not know what is going on. His eyes gazed in a daze at the smile the young psychologist has on his face.

He scoffed. "Stop fooling around, Dr. Park, you're not anything different from them. Just say already what you want. Stop making me look pathetic." Dr. Park was surprised at the statements that flew out of Min Yoongi's doll mouth, but instead of getting offended, he beamed. It was the longest paragraph Patient 666 had said since the first day they talked, and he will make sure to take note of it.

"We're not in the mood today, are we?" He asked, clicking through the tip of his pen with his thumb, leering knowingly as though he'd known Min Yoongi for years. He does! After all the newspapers he'd collected from the paperboy that rides along with his bicycle, going door by door to deliver those bundles of dark news. Running his eyes through the text that talks none but the same name that haunted everyone for how many years, while he sipped with his morning mug of coffee. Indeed, he does.

But it was not enough.

Dr. Park is a psychologist for five years of his career, he's considered one of the professionals in the field - howbeit, all those things he learned from school become useless as he stared deeply into the eyes of the twenty-two years old teen. Literally, a teenager.

A teenager who can make a valedictorian and a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) graduate look dunce. Dr. Park looks like a feline having an eye to eye contact with a feral lion, as he tried to read Min Yoongi's mind but they appeared as plain brick.

Min Yoongi was hard to read. There is nothing in his eyes. They're dim and filled with obscurity, inscrutability, and conundrum. A crow rattling and cawing at the dusk. If everyone can be seen as an open book — he is the athwart, an unresolved closed book if Dr. Park defines him.

"Let's start, shall we?" He asked, displaying a thinned smile with his eyebrows raised. Dr. Park took a long deep breath in, flipping through the papers clipped on the clipboard he brings around.

"Today, we're gonna talk about your family. Is that okay with you, Yoongi?" He asked once again, polite and calm. Min Yoongi did not answer which Dr. Park concluded to proceed on a certain topic.

"How's your relationship with your mother, Yoongi? Are there any conflicts between you and your mother that may cause your misunderstandings?" He inquired, looking up from the paper laid lifeless on the desk. Dr. Park waited for a few more minutes, giving Min Yoongi time to adjust before he answered.

The minutes passed and no words were heard from the mint-haired boy. The room chimed with deafening silence, nestling against the dreary thin walls. As the clock flailed its finger, Dr. Park could feel the glum atmosphere inside and the room speaks of no life.

"How about your siblings, Yoongi? Do you have siblings?" He tried again in the hope to receive an answer this time, but the answer that he got was far away from the answer that he expected.

"Why are you doing this, Dr. Park?" Min Yoongi asked back instead, staring vacantly at the doctor. Dr. Park opened his mouth but he couldn't find his voice. Min Yoongi chuckled bitterly. "For the money, obviously."

He inhaled deeply. Min Yoongi bent his waist and moved forward, smirking predatory. Dr. Park felt a finger of chills tap him in the back. He noticed the sudden exchange of behavior with the patient, and Min Yoongi's eyes were unusual. They're not normal, no, they're not humans. His eyes are all black, stared deeply into his unsettled soul.

"But, what else can you do for money, Dr. Park?" Min Yoongi whispered. His voice sent shivers down his spine. He furrowed. "I'm not doing this for money, Yoongi—"

"Money, money, money, look at these humans." He laughed derisively, skimming his fingers vaguely on the desk. Dr. Park watched in a puzzle, but he remained calm.

He galloped. Min Yoongi waved his hand, making a gesture. "I don't know if you're trying to be a hero here, or what. But don't you think Dr. Park... you should be worried more about yourself?

Because... because I can see here, after a few months ahead, you're floating dead fish in a bowl and your Coccydynia mother, that might die after you, dropping tears on your casket," he mugged and burst into a peal of shriek laughter. Dr. Park could feel the heat of anger rises throughout his body—but he knows better than exploding in his emotion, he knows damn well that the boy is eluding him out of his wit.

Dr. Park tried to convince himself that Min Yoongi doesn't know what he was saying. It's not him. No, definitely not him. Dr. Park knew Min Yoongi could not say those words. It is another person. It's the mentally disabled Min Yoongi, the alternate of his image — but it surely is not Yoongi. But how much does he know Yoongi? Does he really know him? Perhaps he was just pretending to know him, but the truth is, he knows nothing about him. Nothing.

And then — Min Yoongi stopped laughing. His expression dropped and was covered with darkness, and cold, and his eyes leered madly.

"Have you ever heard of death?"

"Do you know how it feels burning alive, Dr. Park? That searing pain that you wish you are dead. Worms crawling out from your pores. You are set on fire, getting cooked alive like a sacrificial goat — but those worms seemed can't die. They crawl out of your socket, your ears, your nose, and they eat you like rotting flesh faster than the flare—" Dr. Park can no longer stand what he was hearing. His skin split away from his body and he's full of dreads and uneasiness. The disturbing description caused the hair on his body to prickle. He had enough and he's sick of it as if something is kicking in his stomach. A crow. An alive crow inside of his stomach, chirping.

"Open the door, we're done!" He yelled to the guard calmly, and he heard the door screech behind him. Dr. Park slowly stood up. His gaze stuck on Min Yoongi, and he gradually turned around.

As he was about to approach the door, a deep voice called his name causing him to stop. He slowly looked over to his shoulder, still seeing the infuriating smirk drawn on Min Yoongi's face.

"I'll see you in hell, Park."

I'm sorry if the story is boring, but trust me it'll get better soon. We're not in the exciting part yet😉.

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