43. Kidnapped

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Heaviness was what Kritika feeling currently and even opening her eyes felt a big task to her

Lifting her eyelids were a huge task but forcing herself somehow she did it and regretted it as she somehow came face to face with a cheap bright light hung just above her head and making it a little difficult for her

Turning her heads sideways, she started looking around as good as she could, and immediately felt the need to puke seeing the condition of the room

Dirt was spread all across the room and there were spider webs hanging off the ceiling and sticking to the sides of the wall and there was even cockroaches and rats crawling here and there

She thanked heavens that atleast she was a cheap quality wooden bed which kept her away from those creatures and at a certain height

But she knew someone who had broke in the Raghuvanshi's mansion is certainly dangerous and after she felt some energy to move around, she tried to wiggle her hand and legs but the keyword being tried because her hands and legs were tied securely to the bedposts


This sound alerted her, as the room was shabby, it was obvious that the walls were obviously thin and one could easily hear someone from one side to another

And the person who was groaning on the other side felt familiar to her

Trying her luck, she tried calling as loud as she could without hurting her sore and cracked throat, which was not watered for God knows how many hours


Immediately she heard a response which had her crying

"Kritika di, is that you?"

Now she knew along with her these bastards got her too, but the real thing was why?

"Samaira, bub how did you got here?" She again asked, her voice cracking badly

"These bastards caught me di, I saw them in the backyard and when I tried stopping them they got me" she tried explaining as nicely as she could

Few hours back....

"Why are you here?" Samaira asked the person standing behind her without even turning her back she knew it was Rudransh

"You are here for such a long time" hearing him samaira scoffed,

"Please don't sound like you care, Mr Rudransh Raghuwanshi"

"Please don't act so tough samaira, you don't always have to have such a sharp tongue while talking to me or my brothers"

"You have closed all of my options except this, being sharped tongue" she replied back still looking at the night sky but she could feel him beside her now

There was silence between them but it wasn't awkward, but rather peaceful?

"What do you need?" Samaira asked

"Today I am feeling like my sister is getting married and I feel like a rascal thinking of the past things of my marriage, like we never thought we also have a sister and we are treating a woman like that,

I know now it won't matter because what happened is now in the past, but I will just say that after this marriage I will apologize to all of you" reminiscing the past, both of their eyes got welled up with tears

"You are right, past is now past, no amount of words and sorrys can heal the wounds of this marriage" samaira said

"I know" and with that he turned her around and hugged her tightly

"I hope you three have all the happiness of the world" and with that he left

Samaira was also about to leave but then she heard something rumbling in the leaves and curiosity killed the cat but she was happy because atleast she was with her kritika di in this situation

She doesn't know why they got them, but she will surely kill these fuckers once she is out of this shitty room

Back at the Raghuvanshi's mansion

The marriage is done, and now Disha is roaming inside the mansion in hopes to find any of her sisters

Not finding them in any rooms she got tensed and decided to look for samaira who still haven't returned from the garden outside

But what she found outside made her burst into tears and sweats, there was lying shoes and some jwellery of samaira on the backdoor of the garden

She ran inside the mansion and shouted for the brothers to come downstairs

Hearing the woman's shouts they quickly came downstairs and to their utter surprise, the woman was on her knees bawling her eyes out

Out of fear, all of them ran towards her and kneeled down, and Ryan asked her while holding her shoulder

"What happened Disha?"

"Kri- the-" because of the crying she couldn't even form a sentence

After full 4-5 minutes, she calmed down and told them the whole situation

"Don't worry, we will find them" Ryan said and got up to dial someone but at the same time, Disha's phone went off

Picking up she thought it was one of her sister and they are fine, telling her that they were pranking her, but to her utter disappointment it wasn't them but someone else

"I know where they are, just go to this address xxx"

And without wasting any time all of them went to the given address and reaching there, they all were tensed but when entering the shabby looking place they got shocked because instead of finding the two ladies in miserable situation..

There were few men lying in their own pool of blood and after following some sound and reaching an old room, they found both the ladies with steel rod and two men tied up, and the ladies heaving heavily

And that wasn't the shocking part, the shocking part being that the boys actually recognised one man tied up..

And it was....

Next chapter would go into more detail of who called Disha and how they reached there, and would involve a little violence

Till then drop your guess in the comments

And yeah just one more chap and we would have the epilogue


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