28. Welcome To Hawaii

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Today is the day, the Raghuvanshi family will land there selves in the colorful and lively atmosphere of the one and only Hawaii

All of the Raghuvanshi family members are currently seated in their private jet that is taking them to Hawaii

"Aah, the feeling of getting free from studies, is just awesome" Saanvi exclaimed and Rudransh patted her head, a little too hard

"Just for few weeks, then back to Dadi and your studies"

"Ughh let me enjoy, and by the way why did you bought these two idiots" she said pointing towards the extra two men sitting beside their own boss respectively

"You are making us miss two weeks of work, we need our assistant" Ryan said, and then him and his assistant again started discussing work

"Ugh, whatever, I am going to sleep" saying this, a yawn soon escaped her mouth and she soon went into the bedroom present in the jet

"Wait, I am coming too" Disha said and behind her the other two went too

The thing is, even if they were using the private jet they all got up early and now they all are tired out of hell


A announcement from the pilot waked up all the ladies sleeping on the king sized bed of the private jet

"Everyone wake up and come back to your seats, we are landing soon" Rudransh bursted into the room and woke everybody up

"No need to shout Bhai, we are certainly not deaf" Saanvi said

"Whatever just come out" and with that he left


"It's truly beautiful" Samaira exclaimed, looking outside the window

"Isn't it, it's good to change your scenery once in a while" Saanvi exclaimed

"Yup" the route from the airport to the hotel they have booked for staying was just 15 minutes far and very soon they reached their staying place

Standing in the lobby, the three brothers went to take their keys for their room

"Here is they key to your room, Saanvi and, and here is your key, Yuvraj and Rajveer" Yuvraj and Rajveer were Ryan and Rudransh's assistant respectively

"Okay then I am going, very tired, gotta get my beauty sleep and tomorrow everyone will meet here in this lobby only" Saanvi said

"Tired? From what? Sleeping on the plane" Samaira asked and Saanvi pouted



"Let's play a volleyball match!!" Right now everyone was gathered on the beach, which was booked by the brothers for whole 3 hours

"These brothers never leaves a chance to show of their huge bank balance" kritika mumbled to the other two

"And why should we play the volleyball match?" Rudransh asked

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