14. Incident in Library..

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Why is there divorce papers in his closet, I picked the paper again and it confirmed my fears

It was made on the exact date, the same day we got married, means he wanted to get rid of one day

Tears unwantedly started flowing from my eyes until a knock bought me in reality

"Hello have you slept in there or what?" His voice held a bit of playfulness

I quickly wiped my eyes and stuffed the papers back and took the file he wanted and stood up quickly

Don't be silly Kritika, if he wanted a divorce he would have taken long back, you are married to him don't think like this

Saying and encouraging myself I came outside of the closet and handed him the file, trying the push the previous memories faraway in my mind

"Why are you so pale?" He asked and I chewed my lips, contemplating what to tell him, I certainly can't tell him I literally found a divorce papers in his closet now can I?

"Nothing I will go to sleep now" saying this I went to my side of the bed and quickly covered myself with the duvet, trying to sleep....

I just hope whatever I saw in the closet isn't the truth and I really don't get away from him, call me idiot for wanting to stay in such a marriage but I just don't care, my heart wants him and just him...

I just hope everything will be fine.. with a sigh I let sleep finally overtake my senses...



"Brother, is it really necessary to do all this" raghav asked, if anyone in the trio is considered less ruthless then it's him

His brothers always topped in ruthlessness

"Don't forget raghav our family is today here because of them" Ryan said

"But it isn't their fault now is it why are we punishing them"

"It wasn't our mom's fault either but even she payed for the price and don't forget everyone has to price for what their loved one do"

Rustling of papers bought me back to my reality, with me sitting in my home office

I checked the wall clock and it indicated 2pm now, but still sleep faraway from my eyes

I stood up and went towards the bar area and took out a whiskey, as soon as the glass touched my lips I stopped, I kept it back and started walking away from it

When my brothers made this plan which involved innocents in it, I was hesitant first but then I did background research on her and I am glad now I agreed on it

If it wasn't for her then my chipmunk would have been with me, she wouldn't have died but she is not and it's all her fault




God, it's so boring sitting idle all alone in this bigass house, good thing it has huge and lavish library

I can't believe I am here for honeymoon, I am sitting here in the library and he is enjoying himself out there

Shaking all that thoughts out, I brought my concentration on the book, a erotica I am reading right now, yeah I am into smut so what

"Didn't knew you were into kinky things" A voice spoke behind me, startled I dropped my book

"What the hell Rudransh" I squeaked

"Well I just came back from a meeting and Maria told me you are here and when I checked on you, I saw my wife was reading a smut book" he said, his usual smirk on his face, and if you are wondering then yes he works even here

"So what if I am reading a smut book or anything for that it shouldn't concern you" I huffed angrily and bent to pick up the book

As soon as I turned back to him, I regretted it he was so close to me I could smell his cologne, god times like this I regretted being short heighted, I only reached till his chest and I had to strain my neck to look him in the eyes

"What the hell are you doing?" I shrieked

"Well what's the fun in reading it, why not we try some of that in real life" he said smugly, and me on the other hand flushed red because of his unfiltered words.

"What are you saying and get aside" I tried to move him but this giant of a man didn't moved a inch

"What say should I show you a demo right now" my breathe hitched, his hand started roaming on hips and going dangerously low, and this bastard was smirking

I was turning the wheels in brain to get out of this and then it struck me, if he wanted to play like this then so it be

I roamed my hands on his chest and everything wouldn't have been so calm in the room I would have missed his groan, reaching for his collar I pulled him down so that my lips are just beside his ears, breathing near him I whispered

"I would love it..." I took long pause and then continued

"But too bad not from a jerk like you" saying this I pushed him away with all my strength, and since he was distracted it was a lot more easier

Taking my book I started walking towards the door of library, when he said

"Do you really think I would touch a girl like for real??" I could hear disgust in his tone

I turned around, "well you just did if not you then you little friend over there certainly did" I gestured towards his pants and it was certainly having a hard time

"And good luck with that and make sure not to be too loud" I said smirking and with that I went away


So how was it?? Thoughts??

Isn't samaira just evil?? Perfect match for Rudransh *smirk*

Thoughts about kritika and raghav??

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