22. Forever In My Memories

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[ T H I R D P E R S O N ]



"Can a orgasm really help with period cramps?" Samaira asked and the tea that kritika was sipping immediately flew out

Taking a tissue she cleaned herself and then stared at Samaira like asking without words ' what the hell are you asking '

"Samaira from where did you get this piece of information? Huh" Disha who was standing there equally shocked, inquired

From my perverted husband, she wanted to shout but decided against it as it would be too embarassing

"I read it somewhere that's why I asked if you both will know by any chance?" Unsurity was dripping from her tone

"Listen Samaira having sex is one thing but having sex on period is an entirely different thing, some people may gross out thinking of that and in this women are involved too so I don't think anyone has tried it out physically certainly not us so we can't tell you" Kritika tried to explain as calmly as possible while disha never expected that they three would be talking about sex in such few days of knowing each other

"Mam, sirs are sitting and waiting for the food" a servant broke their conversation

Nodding Disha signaled the other two to bring the other breakfast and brought out some breakfast herself

Everyone settled down and the servants started serving the breakfast and everyone patiently waited for the servants to finish the servings on everyone's plate and then soon everyone digged in

The breakfast went like any other day, dead silent and by now Samaira was also accomodated to it

And just like that everyone started doing their daily work

Everything was going on its usual pace but a phone call disturbed everything

"What? Which hospital, tell me I am coming immediately" Disha frantically asked the other person

Once she got her answers and ended the phone call, she immediately got surrounded by the other two ladies

"What happened Bhabhi?" Kritika asked

"Rud_ Rudransh he got a allergic reaction and he is in a serious condition in the ICU"

Hearing this everyone immediately left for the hospital Ryan mentioned

After reaching there, Kritika abruptly stopped noticing this is the same hospital she has admitted Vedika

"Kritika what are you waiting for??"

Noticing her standing there, Disha pulled her with herself

Reaching the reception disha asked,

"Where is Rudransh Raghuvanshi admitted?"

But the receptionist was on the phone and ignored them, not just once but thrice

Losing her patience Samaira banged her hand on the desk and practically yelled

"Rudransh Raghuvanshi room no, right now"

And this got her attention and gave them the room no, stuttering with fear

"Room no 2, Vip floor take that lift"

With that those three soon stood infront of the room along with the others

"What happened to him?" Disha asked
while taking deep breaths as all of them came running

"Doctors said he had a severe allergic reaction, who made today's food?" Ryan asked

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