Blue Eyes and Ash both agreed with her, starting to feel cramped and suffocated as well. Blue Eyes turned and saw many small rooms. "Cages." Lily signed. This is where his father, his mother apes had lived in.

"They're so small. Hard to believe that they were in there. Would make anyone go crazy." Ash signed. Blue Eyes walked over to one of the cages and tried to step in. He couldn't it was to suffocating and tight. He backed away. This is why Maurice never really liked talking about this place as well as the other apes. Blue Eyes and Ash were able to climb the trees and had much free space that went on towards the horizon. To be stuck in this cell, no place to run, to be free, to feel the wind and raindrops, or hear the forest surroundings. It was unacceptable. No one could live in here without going crazy. But Caesar was here, Rocket and Maurice were here longer. Before the change, before apes began to open their eyes, becoming smarter, apes were different.

Blue Eyes couldn't believe it. Apes were meant to be free, to be in the forest, not in a tiny place such as this. Ash made a small nervous hoot. Lily was feeling uncomfortable as well.

Maybe his father had gone crazy, the others as well. They tried to escape and finally did the impossible and were able to. Suddenly, there were gun fire by the entrance outside. Blue Eyes and Ash pulled out their rifles, Lily pulled out a small handgun. They ran towards the entrance, taking cover beside the walls. Bullets were flying everywhere and ricocheting all over the place. Lily and Ash fired, shooting at them. Blue Eyes peered to the side of the door to see Rocket taking cover behind a car, firing at the assailants as well.

"Up there!" Lily signed. "I'll go left and try to scare them off. You two stay here." Blue Eyes made a worried screech as he tried to reach to Lily to stop her. But she slipped through is grasp. Blue Eyes watched as he saw Lily scramble to cover from the hail of gunfire. For a broken leg, she sure was pretty agile. Then Blue Eyes saw something move in the trees. He felt the same fear as he stood in his spot, remembering when Koba had led the apes to fight. He felt Ash shaking him, breaking Blue Eyes out of his trance. He saw Rocket get shot as he clamped his hand on his shoulder. Blue Eyes made an angry roar and fired his gun. The noise made his ears ring and the weapon slammed against his shoulder, painfully as it recoiled.

Rocket and Lily both took cover by the cars as they shot, getting closer. After for what had seemed like hours, it had gone quiet. Lily and Rocket slowly and careful both came out from their cover. Rocket at waved Blue Eyes. Ash and him quickly ran over to the two.

"Whoever it is they're gone now." Rocket signed.

"We should get moving. They might come back." Lily signed. Blue Eyes frowned at her. "That was dangerous." He barked. Lily stared back at him. "I can handle myself." She assured him. "As you can see, I'm alright."

"How many do you think there were." Ash signed.

"I don't know. Maybe two or three." Rocket said.

"I don't think that they're locals around here." Lily signed.

"Humans." Blue Eyes replied.

"Yeah. This place was searched last year. No were no signs of anyone living here." Lily explained. "Probably humans that apes saw on bridge?"

"They've followed us this far." Blue Eyes replied.

"That's my guess." Lily shrugged.

"Why?" Blue Eyes asked.

"Me." Lily slowly signed. She began to play with her fingers, fidgeting them, nervously. She hated this. She was angry but also scared. She was putting them in danger. Ash and Rocket stared at her, unsure of what to say. Blue Eyes stepped closer to her, pulling her closer to him, cupping his hand on her cheek.

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