Flipping page after page I was enjoying my story, when slipping down he laid back over the bed. Relaxing his one hand under his head, other was holding remote over his stomach. We both hardly can fit at this bed but still he have to come all the way here to watch TV.

After that I got so engrossed into reading that I never for once checked what was he doing until he turned over his side to face me. I could feel his warm breath against my side as his forehead almost touching my waist. Pulling his legs slightly up against his abdomen and arms crossed against his chest he was sleeping. Seems like low temperature of my room wasn't comforting.

I kept looking down at him and sensed a while ago he have too far gone into his dreamland. Hairs roughly falling over his forehead, wearing royal blue T-shirt, like usual he was looking so carefree and boyish.

Placing my book silently at side table I crawled towards the bottom of my bed. Without disturbing his sleep, I carefully pulled the sheets from beneath his feet and leaning over him I covered his huge body.

This boy. It's becoming almost his habit to sleep into my room. Whenever he is depressed, tired, sick, upset or happy, in any mood he loves to crash his uninvited huge body over my bed. Looking at his peacefully sleeping figure I sighed out loud and after switching off the TV I sat back over my previous place to continue my reading.


Spreading my both legs forward, I crossed one ankle over other. Pressing my head against head rest, I was sitting into half laying position. Raising my both hands up now I was almost covering my face with book. My mind deeply engrossed into the story as it was now into quite suspense mode.

My body suddenly jerked into shock when I felt warm palm slipped over my stomach. Pushing my book away I looked down at the only person sleeping beside me. Still eyes closed manik wrapped his arm around my stomach tightly like I'm his cuddling teddy bear.

Keeping my both hands in the air, I was looking at his arm and then towards his closed eyes. I think this wasn't how this simple sleep-over supposed to go. But any thing is possible when it comes to Manik Malhotra.

After Snuggling into me, once again his breaths got even out. The way he was slipping in and out of his deep slumber I'm sure during camping like me he also didn't have proper sleep.

For a while I kept admiring his features that look so innocent while sleeping. It was a tough task to concentrate over my book when his face was buried into my side. I could feel his warm breath passing through my shirt and caressing my skin into most intimating way.


Knocking sound pulled me out of my sweet sleep. Slowly I opened my eyes and found a pair of half opened eyes already looking at me. Laying sidewise we both were facing each other. Sleeping on the same pillow our faces were just few inches apart.

After ending my book I desperately wished to have a small nap. So carefully locking the door I also slipped down beside Manik. Before we could've said anything once again someone knocked on the door.

"Guys dinner is ready. Come down asap if you didn't want whole family to know where you both are....!" Outside Aanya was yelling into low irritating voice.

"Ok...!" Manik shouted back without caring to get up and open the door. I could hear her cursing under her breath before leaving. Manik slipped his arm around my back and pulled me closer.

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