Part 16

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A smile made it's way to Abhi's face as he witnessed his youngest daughter's and wife's bond. He got a call and when he answered it, he began to frown. He rushed off and in his haste he didn't not notice his surroundings. Someone bumped into him and the girl was about to apologise but when she saw the man, she clenched her fists. Abhi looked bemused on the girl's reaction.

Prachi, who was coming down from Riya's room, began to panic when she saw the her father and sister face to face. Relief washed over her as she realised that her sister hadn't done anything rash yet. She rushed towards her father and sister, pulling Kiara away before she could create a scene.

Abhi shook his head, confused on what just happened. However, he decides to ignore it and rushes off, worried about what the caller had told him.


"Prachi, why didn't you let me talk to him! I want him to know of my hatred. I want him to know that I think of Mr. Singh as a father more than I ever thought of him. I want him to know that he doesn't deserve our love!" Kiara shouted.

'Sorry Mumma. I'm going to put your reputation on stake, but don't worry. I'll confess my plan after you separate from your so-called husband again. I know he won't trust you, he never does.' Kiara silently apologised.

"Di, please don't do anything. I get your upset with Papa and I also know that you're right in your place. But don't you think we should give him a chance? Maa's happiness lies in him and I know Riya wouldn't leave her father for Maa or us." Prachi reasoned and Kiara began chuckling at chance.

"Chance? He's gotten too many chances if you ask me! But does he learn? No. It's always the same story. Someone plotting against Maa, him believing the person's fake allegations and then Maa and him separating. All Mumma has ever gotten is pain from him! He never trusted her and never will. He's been given way too many chances. Mumma left Dadda for him! Though Dadda was never my biological father, he never made feel like my father wasn't with me. Never once did he even scold me. Mumma was enough for that. He may not have loved Mumma but he certainly trusted her. Mumma was happy with him! She missed our so called father, yes, but she was still happy. And when we gave him a chance what did he do? He let his mistress get away with almost murdering you and Riya - that too when you weren't even born!" Kiara finally revealed all the true reasons she hated her biological father.

"What do you mean by the last bit, Di? What do you mean?!" Prachi shook her sister, tears brimming her eyes. Kiara avoided Prachi's gaze.

"Di, answer me!" Prachi demanded and was shocked when her sister started to sob.

"I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have told you. Forget I ever said something." Kiara whispered and rushed off, not wanting her sister to see the vulnerable side of her.

Prachi looked on, not being able to get rid of Kiara's words. How could her sister say such a big thing and expect her to just forget it? Had her father really let someone who tried to murder his children roam free? Was Kiara really right about him not deserving another chance?

Prachi frowned when her cheeks felt slightly wet. She gingerly placed a finger on her right cheek and realised that she was crying. She instantly started wiping her tears off, not wanting anyone to catch her in this state, that too on her birthday. However, fate was not in her favour today as Shahana came rushing towards, seemingly anger.

As soon as Shahana saw Prachi crying, her anger vanished and was replaced by concern. "Prachi, are you okay?"

Prachi opened her mouth to say something but then shook her head. Shahana looked at Prachi in surprise. Though any one could've told by the way Prachi was crying that she was upset, she didn't expect her to give in so quickly.

"What happened? Are Maasi and Di okay?" Shahana whispered.

"They're alright. Maa's over the moon but now I don't understand why. She should hate him. More than Kiara Di does. I still can't believe he would do such a thing. Maa didn't get justice and he - he even had a mistress!" Prachi sobbed, now, truly understanding why her sister hated the man her mother loved.

"Prachi, are you talking about your father?" Shahana was beyond shocked when Prachi nodded. She had always thought that Riya's father was a great man and that Riya took after Alia only. It seemed that she was wrong.

"Are you sure you're not misunderstanding anything? Mr. Mehra doesn't seem like he would cheat on his wife! He waited twenty years for her, didn't he?" Shahana reasoned and Prachi shook her head.

"No. He did cheat on her. Di wouldn't lie to me. Especially about something as big as this!"

"I know. Di wouldn't lie but maybe she misunderstood something? Why would someone who had a mistress wait for their wife to return for twenty whole years?!" Shahana reasoned.

"Maybe. But what if it's the truth? What if Di is right?" Prachi whispered, her doubts however were only audible to herself.

Before Shahana could reply a cheerful voice intruded in their conversation.

"Di, it's time to cut the cake! Come on." Riya smiled, happily. Prachi quickly put pretended to be happy and signed Shahana to do the same. She knew it would break Riya if she found out that there was even the possibility of her father doing such things. Riya had already become so different after learning about Alia's truth and god forbad the accusations that Kiara put on Abhi were true by any chance, she would be devastated. The two people closest to her would be proven as cheaters, liars and betrayers.

"Di, what are you thinking? Let's go." Riya dragged Prachi away, leaving Shahana alone.

Shahana looked on, becoming upset by the sight in front of her. Prachi had promised not to forget their friendship once her younger twin returned, but it seemed that she was already getting replaced - that too by someone who once considered Prachi as their rival, their enemy. Shahana recalled the conversation she just had with Prachi. She knew she had to hold back on her plan. Even if she didn't trust Riya, she couldn't give her best friend another reason to become tensed, upset or worried. Sighing, she moved towards the main hall.


Prachi and Riya start cutting the cake together, for the first time in 21 years while everyone else sings the happy birthday song. They feed the cake to one another and when they were about to feed the cake to their mother a furious voice interrupts them.

"Pragya do not move!" Abhi yelled, sounding and looking furious.

Pragya stood still and looked on confused on why Abhi was looking the way he did. She instantly thought that it was one of his anger issues and was about to go closer to him to calm him down.

"Do. Not. Come. Close. To. Me." Abhi seemed like he would murder someone in the next second or so and everyone else looked on confused. One person felt disappointed and another was smirking, both thinking that their plan had succeeded.


(1200+ words)

So, I have a request. For those of who wish that Wattpad becomes a better place please check this link out - (I will be adding a link in the comments too)

Why is Abhi so furious?

What was Kiara's plan?

Who was smirking and who was disappointed?

How's the update?

I may be irregular with my updates after the 26th of this month as face to face classes will be starting again.

Until Next Time!

~ Riya Sharma 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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