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Hello to all my readers,

I know I haven't updated this fanfiction in a really, really long time and I won't be updating any time soon. I'm extremely sorry for this!

The reason why I'm not gonna update this fanfiction soon is because I feel that I wasn't able to write this story to the best of my ability. This was my first ever fanfiction and I'll always love it but I feel that my writing skills have improved (a little bit, anyway) and thus I have decided to rewrite this story.

I'll be posting the new and improved version of this story after a while, it may possibly end up being posted in 2022 as the work pressure in school has gotten heavier this year.



To all my previous readers,

Some you may've noticed that I haven't made any changes at all. I've only really changed the spelling, and sentence structure to make it all grammatically correct (I'll probably need to do another reread & edit though). I did get tires of editing, so I stopped about half-way through part 7.

This is because, though I wanted to change the way I wrote this, I just couldn't bring myself to it. This story has sentimental value. When I first began writing, I did just for the fun of it - I still do but now, now I feel an urge to write that I didn't before. I feel that I've improved my writing skills a lot over this short span of time, I still can't believe that it's almost been a year since I joined this platform and started writing.

With this said, I decided not to rewrite this story. It's a great reminder of where I started. Though I may not be the best, or even close to the best writer here, I feel that I've improved and that's what I really think counts. Even if it's the slightest of improvement it still counts. So, I have come to a decision. I will be writing this story in my old style.

I have thought about this decision for a while, and think that it is best if I do continue in my old style, well, at least try to. I do kinda cringe while reading this story, but I still like it cause it's helped me improve.

Anyways, I've almost written the next part, so I'll update soon. With less grammatical mistakes, and less cringe. Though, I guess there might still be some cringe. There will be a lot, and by a lot, I mean a lot, of dialogue in this story, and it'll be a little longer than my other stories just cause I want to teach Alia a good lesson.

I hope I don't disappoint!

~ Riya Sharma 

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