Chapter 1 (How it all started)

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It was a typical night in a hood. Music blasting, children crying, people shouting and screaming profanities. But Jack least expected himself to be caught up within the madness of the community of Compton, NY on his way back home from the library. You see Compton was what the whites called the ghetto. Gangs, drugs were found any and everywhere as they were low police supervision. It was basically a purge community, you could've done almost anything and get away with it.

Jack was different though, he never wanted to live that way and he wished they never lived there but, unfortunately it was the only thing his mother could've afford. To top it off, his sexuality. Jack was just seventeen years old when he realized that he was different from the other boys in his school. Everyone knew Jack was gay before Jack knew he was gay, it varied from how he walked to how he talked and even dressed sometimes. His coloured clothing was always bright and odd, and honestly he didn't need to verbally come out of the closet because they already knew.

It was when the bullying started. Jack kept to himself because of the fear of judgment and rejection but as you all know already, he got bullied anyways. Walking to school was hell too. No matter how invisible he tried to make himself, his taste in Clothing still made him stand out and they'd call him every Gay slur in the book.

As Jack walked down the dark alley, heading home late from the library after studying for a test the next day, two large guys ran past him, bumping into him in the process causing all his books in his hands and his backpack fall to the ground. Jack gasped as he was pushed aside and hurriedly dropped to pick up back his stuff as the men continued bolting away, it was as if they didn't even see him. As he was picking everything up, he noticed an odd bag. It wasn't his, surely and as he rummaged through it he gasped and fell back at the site of a silver, clean hand gun and what seemed to be... Drugs.

Jack figured that one of the men dropped the bag when they accidentally slammed into him. He quickly got up ready to leave the bag where it was and run home until he saw two police officers running after the men who had bounded one of the corners. Jack was an over thinker and that's exactly what began to happen.

What if the police officers already saw him with the bag? They'd believe its his. His finger prints are on it began he accidentally touched it along with its content!! And being of black descent only the Lord knows what they'd do to a youth like him. He'd be guilty until proven innocent. Ha! They'd never deem him innocent, even if he was.

He quickly wrapped the gun with his rag and hide it safely Between his books from the cops who were now approaching him. Sweat covered his forehead as he began to panic, and his entire life flashed before his life in slow motion; drowning him in the stress. He began thinking about his mother and how hard she had worked to send him to school only for him to wind up just like every other lil' youth in the community. He couldn't take the fall for these shit he just found. Hell naw.

The cops had already neared and was standing in font of Jack, "Kid, did you see two men running around here?" Asked the taller officer, his voice was hard and it intimidated Jack. As Jack was about to answer he heard Rustling along with another voice.

"Get yo hands off of me you motha' f-" his sentence was immediately cut off by an 'oof' sound and when Jack looked over, one of the two men that he saw running past him earlier was crunched over, pain dancing over his previous expression.

They all stopped before Jack and saying he felt intimidated would be an ultimate understatement. "Did you see these two punks getting rid of anything when they ran?" Asked a white officer who roughly tugged the cuffs causing the one who was talking up earlier to yelp. Jack jumped.

Goodness what do I say? Should I tell them the truth?

Jack looked up to the men's faces, ah! He knew the two in handcuffs, the same two that ran past him and dropped the bag with the drugs and gun.

These to bullies! It'd serve them right if I fess up and rat them out. They bullied me terribly.

A part of Jack wanted to sell them out but another part of him was afraid. If he says yes and give the cops the gun, what if they assume that he was an accomplice?

What if they took me down with them?!

But, if the cops did believe him and take them away then most certainly they'll come after poor Jack and his mom. If not them then their gang members. What is it that they say? Snitches get stitches? Jack inwardly scoffed.

Yeah right! I'll be six feet under either way! What the hell am I going to do?!

Jack eyed the bag on the ground that contained the drugs and casually picked it up swinging it over his shoulder as if contents were simply his phone and money and shrugged, "I ain't see nothing, officer. I was just coming from the library."

The cops looked at Jack oddly. His tone already give his sexuality away, the slight draw led to his words automatically made them believe him, because why would a gay boy be an accomplice with gang members.

As for the two men, their eyes widen a fraction before they immediately covered it up not wanting to seem suspicious by the cops. They were sure Jack would have rat them out, especially since they were mean to him ever since they found out he was gay.

"Ah, I see." Said I short stubby officer. "Well you hurry home, kid. Its too late for a... Boy like you to be out here in these streets." All the police men chuckled and Jack squinted his eyes in annoyance. He bit his tongue and smiled sarcastically, batting his lashes.

"oh, of course officers!" Jack's voice became low as he slid a hand down the stubby officers arm. Jack grinned inwardly when he felt him shudder but oh? Not in disgust.

He swiftly turned and shrugged off leaving them all behind heading home. "Closeted fucker." Jack muttered.

•••• ••••••••

The cops on the other hand took the two men down to the station but released them the following day as they did not have any actual evidence, thus not being able to hold them for too long.

"They all perish in the cells," Said a Caucasian officer in disgust. "They better try to get themselves out of this dump! They're too young too be wanting to be criminals!" He slammed his fist against his table as he watched the two men waltz out freely.

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Word Count:1196

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