Not Quite Fireworks

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In a moment the slow, gentle pace of his kiss disappears and he's kissing you fiercely. There's a desperation behind this kiss, you can feel it. You slide your arms slowly upward, wrapping them around his neck, needing to be closer to him. Both of his arms now snake around your waist, holding you to him as though his life depends on it. Your fingers run through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, gently playing with it as you get further lost in this moment. The only sounds in the room are the gentle whisper of your lips moving in harmony, and the sounds of your breathing.  

Eventually the kiss slows and stops, and you're at a loss both for breath and for words. Min-hyuk lowers his head, resting it lightly on your shoulder as his hand once again grasps desperately at the shelf behind you, leaning on it as if it's the only thing keeping him from toppling over. His heavy breathing tickles your neck, and you feel his other arm still wrapped loosely around you. You both just stay like that for a while, trying to catch your breath again. 

After a while, he lifts his head to look at you. As your eyes meet, you both seem to be at a loss for what to say. 

You're the first to snap out of it, the full weight of what just happened hitting you like a ton of bricks. Your cheeks start to burn, and you stumble over your next words, the intensity of his stare making you flustered. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that--" you squeak, and then promptly clap a hand over your mouth. Wait, what are you saying? That makes it sound like you're regretting kissing him back. You certainly don't regret the kiss, and you don't want it to seem like that's the reason you're apologizing. You simply wanted to apologize for yanking him like a crazed lunatic. "Wait, I mean--"

"I'm not sorry," he replies simply, cutting you off. "I mean, I am sorry if I surprised you, but I'm definitely not going to apologize for kissing you."

Holy.... How can he be so straightforward? You swear your heart almost stopped just now. 

And how is he so calm right now? 

"O-oh," you say lamely, your voice sounding higher than usual. You literally can't think of anything else to say. You blame your brain for wanting to just 'power-off' during that kiss. It must still be trying to recover. 

Why can't you think of anything to say? At your silence, he keeps talking.

"Y/N... I want to share my world with you. My magic. But to do that... I need you to believe me." His voice has never sounded more sincere, more earnest. 

"I'm trying..."

You pause as you realize those words came out of your own mouth. Though you surprised yourself with that simple statement, you realize that you're not lying. You have been trying all this time to believe him. It's been so hard, though. You know how logical your brain is, and that certainly hasn't made things easy. 

But just now, despite the logical side of your brain protesting, he made it very hard for you NOT to believe him. How had he known all that about your dream? He'd even heard your thoughts. It really must  have been because it wasn't a dream after all. Right?

"I'm trying," you repeat, sounding like a broken record. "I think... I think I need some time to think about all this," you whisper. And I honestly just need to make sure I haven't gone completely mad, and hallucinated this whole thing, you add silently. Though you seriously doubt that your very logical brain could concoct a hallucination quite this crazy. 

After a moment of quiet contemplation, Min-hyuk gives you a single nod. The movement seems a bit forced, but you brush it off. He takes his hand off the bookshelf and takes a step back. As soon as he steps away, there's a part of you that wants him to be close again, but you keep this to yourself. 

The Sound of Magic (Ri Eul x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat