"Do you really live at this planet officer that you don't know that our ambulances come late but vehicles used for protocol to our so called politicians come in blink of eye. So I did what I should do in emergency....!" and those words came out of mouth without control. Looking at manik's shocked eyes, I realised what I said. So called politicians when his own father is one of them. Dammit. I should have kept my mouth shut. Looking at manik's disappointed stare and then glaring eyes of all police officers I understood what crap I had done.

"Officer I'm sorry for whatever happened. Actually according to our plan no one was aware about this all set-up. Even not her....!" Manik snarled heatedly while looking down at the long oval shaped table. First time I saw his eyes down, lacking his usual powerful gaze. I brought him at such point that he was trying to save me when he knew whatever I did was really against law.

"Mr Malhotra are you really serious, how you can defend such act of an outsider among such sensitive issue of government....!" This time another police officer barked heavily and I winced. Am I an outsider.? Yes, I suppose I'm. And this single thought forced my eyes to drop down to hide visible pain into them.

"She's not outsider, she's our family member....!" Manik retorted curtly and I blinked with fear and shock. He was fighting with three officers who already trying to drag him into deep shit. 

"Mr malhotra when you and your father can't handle a little thing like car which is given by government then what you think, this nation can trust you for giving the hold of their country in the hands of such careless politicians....!" Manik closed his eyes tight. His patience was at bay. My heart started thumping into my chest. I never thought everything will come out in this horrible shape.

"You know if we hadn't acted on time, our team would have fired at that car. Because we were sure that someone using it for some other reason while Mr Aaryan isn't here to use it personally. This girl not just pushed herself into trouble infect put their life into danger as well and it's all yours and your father's fault. If you people can't control your ladies how you gonna handle such huge responsibility towards your nation.....!" the third one once again turned the whole thing back at me While Manik was trying to shield me from their accusing attacks. 

"Mind your language officer, you are talking about our ladies. If you utter one more foul word about my family, then you are going to regret it....!" Manik warned glaring at all of them and now they all were looking at him with another level of anger.

"Please officer don't drag Malhotra family into the mess....!" I hissed in anger through tightly gritted teeth barely looking at those glaring officers, who were now mercilessly quiet. How dare they blame Malhotras for any thing they didn't even know about it.

"Whatever happened no one knew about it. Not even Manik Malhotra. And I would do it again. I would break any law if I had to save a life.....!" as I finished and one police officer smirked. Like finally he got the reaction he was waiting for. Looking at manik's shocked and anger filled eyes, I understood whole game. Manik was trying to save me but now I myself gave them fully right to prove me as a law breaker.

Now I realised that why this officer was provoking me. He deliberately wanted me to accept my mistake and get into trouble and all the time Manik was trying to keep their accusing attacks towards himself.

"And you know I can arrest you now and throw you into jail as the punishment for breaking law and using government assets for suspicious activities....!" he threatened and next moment Manik stood up. He banged his palms over the table making me flinch in fear. My heart straight jumped to my throat.

"Officer don't even dare to think like that. She did a mistake and I have apologised already. I give you my words that it won't happen again. That's it. That guard will be suspended and whatever she did I myself will make sure that she pay for that also. But I won't let any one of you to even touch her single hair. You may leave now....!" Manik growled loud and clear before he turned to look at me. Then holding my hand, he literally dragged me out of the meeting room.

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