"Um I think I'm not much hungry.....?" I said lowly, his dark eyes surveyed me from head to toe. Now I regretted for still wearing his shirt. I think I should have changed before coming here. Leaving every thing whatever he was doing, he shifted his attention fully back at me. There was no mocking stares, no smirks, his whole posture was so intense and damn serious. Under his gaze I felt, warmth of his eyes was caressing every inch of me.

While standing right there in the kitchen, with my pondering heart, I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't anticipated what he was going to do next. He turned off the burner.

"Why? As far I know you didn't even eat last night....!" Without giving me any idea, he covered the distance by standing exactly at front of me. I moved backwards slowly until my back touching the kitchen shelf behind me. But Manik malhotra never learnt where to stop. Placing his palm at my right side over the shelf, he closed the distance between us with one more stride and now our faces were just few inches away. With my eyes little widened, tried my best to lean back as much as I could, to keep the distance. I think I shouldn't have said no for the breakfast but it was too late.

"Do you know what I want at the moment....?" he asked me and I hurriedly shook my head in no. I couldn't say a word because I really don't know what he needed. While placing other hand at my left side as well, he enclosed my body into caging embrace. That familiar masculine scent touched my senses delicately. His eyes never hesitated to lock his gaze straight with mine. My back was tired cause of leaning backwards but I would handle it, instead of standing straight and let our bodies touching each other. But Manik malhotra didn't like the idea of pushing myself away. So he leaned forward and I closed my eyes when his cheek caressed mine. Light morning stubble giving me toe curling sensation. Then he spoke softly into my ear.

"I want....!" his raspy voice forced my heart to pick fast pace. He was keeping me hypnotized with his closeness as his minty breath tickling my skin and goosebumps appeared at my whole body. Then I sensed a noise of something behind me dragging over the marble shelf.

"I want this sugar pot....!" he whispered while abruptly turning his back towards me and left towards the stove. Seeing sugar pot into his hand I felt like bucket of cold water had been thrown over me. I kept standing there still leaning against the shelf like I was in some magical trance. Don't know how to move and how to blink my shocked eyes.

Leaving me torn between so many emotions, he went away, pretending like a moment ago he wasn't even killing me with his mere closeness. Without sparing glance towards me he kept doing his work but his eyes were shining with amusement as the side of his lips quirked up into usual smirk. Holding plates with pancakes he came towards the dining table and placed over it. Still I was stood rooted to the exact spot, looking down at floor.

"Come here, have breakfast...!" he instructed before placing strawberry syrup and our tea at table as well. After that he didn't speak a word. Removing apron he settled into one chair. Silently I also walked at the other side of table. When he's around there must be some distance because now a days he is becoming extra touchy and completely inappropriate. His eyes were down at his plate but he was fully aware about my every move.

He slightly smiled while taking first bite. Of course he noticed me, sitting far away from him. This was going to be most difficult stay into this house. I hope tomorrow all will be back. After that we both had breakfast in deep silence. The only sound was of the cutlery and plates.

After completing his breakfast he stood up and went to place his dishes into sink. I was sipping my tea looking down at the table. Few times I glanced up at him, as now he was cleaning the kitchen. Can't believe the skills of these Malhotras. Just all rounders. I stood up and went to wash my cup and other dishes as well. But as I was going towards the sink he clutched my wrist. Holding me with one hand with other he took the cup out of my grip.

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