
The water splashed on the tile, trickling from the tiny holes of the metal shower. The dark sweat slid off along the water, tapping on his feet. Dr. Park leaned against the wall, letting the water split on his flesh and roll off. His hair, completely dead in color, sticks on his forehead in sogginess. Gaze dropped to the corner of the wall across as though he was counting the lines on the tiles, his breathing slow and even. The water whirl under his feet like a thin sheet, making a gurgling sound as they twirl and shoot down the drain.

Dr. Park snapped out of his recollective thoughts by the voice of his mother calling outside behind the door, telling him it was time for breakfast. He yelled back with a short 'Coming' and twisted the shower off. The bead of water glistened on his skin like pearls of coral designed the aqua tail of a Merman. He grabbed the black towel and helped himself dry. He wrapped the towel around his torso and walked out of the bathroom thereon.

Waters are dripping from his hair, trailing down his stomach. Dr. Park is a hunky man; well-built chest, six firm muscles artistically formed on his stomach, muscular arms, and thick thighs—few reasons women were attracted to him. He took out a white polo to match with a dark trouser with a belt, and a black and gray striped tie to kick it all off. He moved to the mirror and put his clothes on. His hard chest plumps up visibly through the fabric, and the bulge under his pants appeared strongly on the outside.

He fixed his tie, the sharp brown eyes stared back at him in the mirror through his reflection. He then put on his clinical jacket, grabbed his case, and ploded downstairs, making sure to lock his room beforehand.


Dr. Park hopped out of his black Mercedes- Benz, grabbed his case, and started walking inside the building casually. The nurses behind the counter bowed and greeted him politely as soon as they saw him walk in, to which Dr. Park responded with a small smile. He stepped inside the elevator and pressed his floor, fixing his jacket as he waited for the elevator to arrive on the 3rd floor. The elevator stopped on the second floor and a woman walked in. She does not wear a nurse outfit nor does she look like a psychiatrist in the hospital. She wears a white long selves with a big white ribbon on the chest and a blue inappropriate skirt. It was so short that her white thin thighs were on display. It may look sexy and fancy for others, but for Dr. Park, it's just indecent. He deduces she's going to visit a patient.

The lady noticed him gawking at him, she offered him a smile and bowed slightly. Dr. Park gives back the smile and bowed. The elevator chimed and the metal door slid open, he quickly got off and walked away. He ambled down the empty hallway, turning left, and then right, proceeding down to his office.

The white door approached his sight, he stood close enough and rummaged in his pocket to take out the key. After that he had the key in his hand, he inserted it into the small keyhole and twisted it all around. The lock makes a soft click and it opens, he pushes the door and slips in. He turned on the light, walked over to his desk, and settled his things down.

Today is his first session with Min Yoongi. He's excited and nervous at the same time. The nurse had transferred Patient 666 to his new private cell already as his therapy will start today. Dr. Park cannot wait to see his patient any longer, he hopes it will go smoothly and nothing will go wrong. He has a fat feeling this session is on success, he can feel it. Sure, there are blocks to take down and turns but he's confident in himself and his ability to help the boy.

He opened his suitcase and took out the things he needed. A clipboard with a file clipped on it and a blue pen. After he takes what he needs, he immediately exits the office and goes to cell 666. As he got closer, he could already see two guards standing outside the cell. The hospital had provided security for safety.

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