Dr. Park was beyond confused about what was happening right now. He looked around in bewilderment, utterly incompetent to process everything. The question that lacks an answer lingers unuttered on his tongue. How did the kid get inside the Asylum? Aren't there guards outside? If they get still tricked by a kid, then the Hospital has poor and useless security. Something he notes and makes sure to complain to the head after the lights are back.

Suddenly—there was heavy breathing. It is rough, something that the person makes when they're mad or enraged. However, the sound is low with a snarl like a dog. And it is right behind his back. He can feel the hot breath touches his nape and had his hair at the back stood in the end.

He shuffled back, slowly and leisurely. Dr. Park flinched at the creature in front of him. There stood, sixth feet away from him, a girl wearing nothing. Her face was gaunt and her eyes, completely without color, staring back at him. Her silly wispy hair littered on her balding head, trailing down her hip. Her withered saggy breasts dangling in front of her. But Jimin noticed something—her feet, they're not human feet—they're hooves.

If Dr. Park is nine years old, he would be screaming and fleeing away already, crying for his mother. Only if he is twenty years younger, then he could say he saw a monster — but no, he's twenty-nine and mature. He knows what to do already, he got a mind; a mind that fucking failed to work.

He believes in ghosts. He does—but what he's seeing right now is beyond hysterical and made him think of what kind of lunatic person would wear such horrible custom. Even a six-year-old kid could do better at a Halloween party.

The people would love it if he did run away, but no, he only stood. He stood, looking at the dreadful creature, whatever the fuck its name, shrewdly as if it is stupid and some kind of insane person putting up sick pranks and expecting their victim to be wailing in fear and scrambling to escape.

A prank. Yes, this was all about.

"What the fuck?" The only word that escapes his mouth, and the only thing he had in mind. Indeed, the word to describe everything's happening.

The freakish old lady, unmoving and seemed to glare through him—Dr. Park did not expect it—her skanky mouth gradually opened. Her teeth are decaying, and her mouth is filled with sticky, lousy black phlegm. Dr. Park swallowed hard. He could feel the bacon and hotdog that he consumed earlier ascend in his throat with burning acid. He could still taste the handful of salt his mom had sprinkled on the bacon. He'd rather swim in the mud than witness all of this.

"Noster est." The adenoidal voice whispered in his ear. The strong gust drove the dust towards his way as though she controls the wind, her terrible voice waving along with the air.

Dr. Park stumbled back once, covering his face from the dust and preventing them to enter his eyes. Deep lines appeared on his forehead as well as his eyes pitched up in a line, in such a way a clever cat gazes up the sunlight. He hangs still as though a penguin in the desert.

"What?" He asked obtusely as if she would answer him. Dr. Park was regarded as intelligent but not in any way did it show.

She grunts, taking a step forward reason for him to step back. "Noster—"

"Dr. Park!" Dr. Park tilted his head to the sudden voice calling his name, and the tall guy emerged from the darkness, running towards him. As he looked back behind him—the woman was gone, questioning where did it go.

"Dr. Park," Felix stopped on his side, catching his breath. "I'm sorry about the inconvenience. There was a problem with the system, but we're working on it. We will fix it as soon as possible—"

"Did you see the woman?" He blurted out, craning his neck around, expecting to see the creature from afar, watching them with her eerie eyes. But it seemed was gone, and he could not capture any trace of her. Felix on the other hand was confused. "Huh?"

Dr. Park gobbled, gliding his tongue across his lip. "The—" He raised his hand, attempting to point to something but the words were dried up in his throat as if there was a string that tied around its tail, pulling it back in. He respired deeply. "The woman, she was just here earlier. She said something to me. You came and she's just gone!" Dr. Park could hear the frustration seep into his tone. Felix doesn't know anything he's talking about. He was clueless and he was sure there was no girl with Dr. Park. He can see the madness in the psychologist's face but he's certain he doesn't see anyone.

"Dr. Park there's no woman—"

"No! She was just here. Here, she's standing there," Dr. Park protested, pointing at the spot where the woman was standing earlier. Felix only batted his lashes innocently at the man like a lost dog on the cow farm. He was surprised at the orange-haired man's sudden outburst as he tried to explain what he saw—he saw it with his two eyes and that he was not having delirium. The long dragon-like tail behind the woman's back, the long stringy hairs, the hooves—they are not made up of restless mind—he continues to tell himself.

Dr. Park notice the worried look on Felix's eyes and realized the younger could be thinking he is losing his mind. So he stopped, knowing he would not believe it even if he lay unfathomable papers of explanation to what he had seen. "Forget it," he said coldly, voice flat and emotionless. He cleared his throat and fixed his jacket.

"I'll go now, make sure to fix the lights as soon as possible. I don't want to work in darkness," he demanded, sternly. Felix rapidly nodded his head and promised to do it quickly. As soon as he was about to take a step—a sudden memory crossed his mind. "By the way," He turned around and faced him fully. "Make sure to find the kid, okay?"

"The kid? W-what kid?"

Dr. Park waved his hand in the air annoyingly, dismissing it. "I saw a kid earlier. Find him and throw him out of here!" He yelled as he walks away.

'What a nice day.' He grumbled, patting off the dirt on his shoulder. Nothing wouldn't be more fuck up than this rusting building. Oh how much he wished he just believe the fortune-teller who tells him that a boil would grow in his buttocks.

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