I heard him stifled a groan in anger and irritation. His chocolate brown eyes were hard with the intensity of fury. My heart already have stopped but as I saw Dadi Jan's death glare at him I found myself frozen dead. What sin I had done today, to deserve such terrifying company.

"Hello....!" I mumbled lowly while closing door behind me. As soon I took first step towards them, Manik stood up. His locked jaw line was showing that he was still sulking about the slap he received few days ago. The glare I got from him was burning holes into mine. I looked away immediately. I don't want to ended up provoking this beast.

"Hello sweetheart. Come here....!" she nodded her head, gesturing me to come closer. He cleared his throat before looking towards Dadi Jan. I could feel clearly, there was a silent war going on between both of them.

"Dadi Jan I should leave now....!" he asked politely but she gave him an open threatening glare. He kept looking at her with totally helpless expressions. Something was really fishy. I stopped in the middle of the room, still far away from them. Dadi Jan kept looking at him like hungry lioness.

"When you aren't talking to me then what I will do while staying here with uninvited and unwanted people...! As he finished his mithering story like a pregnant-lady with grumpy mood swings, I felt my jaw touching the floor. How dare he insult me when my visit wasn't having anything to do with him. Why he can't mind his own business.

"Behave yourself Manik Malhotra. Fulfil my conditions first then I will talk to you otherwise don't show me your face. You can leave....!" she said with equally stubborn tone. He stomped his feet like whining kid. Looking at Manik Malhotra the frightening monster's such childish side I wanted to giggle but man I don't have any death wish yet. If I laughed he will bury me alive before taking next breath.

He ran his fingers through his hairs, clearly frustrated at whatever her conditions were. He looked up at Dadi Jan and after seeing that stubbornness he took defeated sigh. Looking at his bitter expressions, I could tell whatever they had discussed already in my absence, would be a very sore topic for him.

"Ok fine...!" he said through gritted teeth. Taking long strides he came towards me in less than one second. Suddenly I jumped over my feet. It was unexpected and took me completely off guard. Holding my wrist into painful grip, he dragged me along him. Before I could understand what was happening he shoved me towards her bed. He turned his body fully to face me.

"Sorry....!" he said that word in such speed that I felt I heard wrong. His jaw was clenched so tight like he was mentally chewing me.

"What....!" that was all I could manage to say. Actually I was too shell shocked and it took a few seconds for me to respond. I gasped, as he moved closer with rocket fire speed but then something reminded him that other than both of us there was one person more. As Dadi Jan let out a fake cough, closing his eyes he took deep breath, as trying to remain in control. 

"Manik Malhotra your fiance asking you something. She didn't listen what you said so baby come again. And yeah whatever you wanna say, say it clearly and tell her the reason why. Come on be my good boy....!" Dadi Jan said in such intimidating tone that it sounded the mixture of order, tease and more like dominance. Now I understood the story. Not bad, not bad at all. I'm gonna love this visit.

"I said sorry for leaving at engagement night.....!" he whispered lowly. He was glaring at me, extremely angry but I couldn't care. I could clearly see the desperation to kill me Before saying those words. It was obvious, how he felt insulted while apologising. One point to be noted, I think for him saying SORRY was one of the rare cases.

Man that single word felt like cold water over my burning ego. The corner of my lips tugging upward into a smirk.

"I'm happy you said sorry....!" I couldn't help from sprinkling salt over his wounded ego. Looking at his pissed off expressions I was really enjoying.

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