I inhaled deeply to ease the pain that spiralled through my chest. Alternating waves of unbearable agony and numbness washing over my senses. Destiny's soreness and fear was crushing me to death. After these years, once again life told me what real pain feels like.

I looked up and my eyes met a dark brown pair of stoned eyes. Still leaning against the wall, he was looking at me. His shirt having spot of blood, was screaming that I lost the person who was probably last hope of my happiness.

"Mr Manik malhotra it was your car that caused this accident and according to one eye-witness and our initial reports saying driver was drunk.....!" a police man spoke while standing beside me. I waited for him to say something. I waited that may be he will deny all the things policeman was asking. But he didn't. He just kept staring at me.

"Yes. It was my car.....!" he said and this time he moved his eyes away from mine. Why did his words pierced the very core of my heart. It increased my hatred towards him when he had nothing to say. He only confirmed what I already knew. He was a heartless monster. I hate him.

I stood up and without realising my feet started moving towards him. With my pondering heart, I hadn't anticipated what I was going to do next. How could he do this

"Why did you do this to me.....!" I mumbled, stopping at front of him. The lump in my throat rising but I swallowed it back. His eyes never left mine. They were blank. I wish I could see regret of taking someone's life in those eyes. I wish I could see the same pain, which was stabbing my heart.

"You hate me this much that, see where you brought me.....!" I yell at him and his eyes were still holding that emptiness. But his face was pale, all the blood seems to be sucked out of his body. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream my lungs out. I wanted to stop the pain that was burning in every part of my body.

"I wish I would have never met you. I wish I have had saved Abhi from you.....!" I screamed as this unbearable heartache was rolling off of me.

"I killed Abhi....?" he muffled. Why his statement sounded more like a question. His eyes still pinning to mine like searching for something unknown. I took one more step towards him and my hand moved up to grab his collar.

"How could you be so cruel. I never had done anything wrong to you. Why you punished me this way. Why, Manik why....!" this time I screamed even louder. All the anger washed away and replaced by hurt. His eyes moved between my both eyes silently and I felt hot tears on my face. Two big hands opened my fists and pulled me away from Manik. I was aware of everyone's eyes on me but I have had enough.

"Shhh calm down. Nandni....!" I was still crying mindlessly when a heavy voice fell over my deaf ears. I looked back and it was Sahil. His eyes were completely opposite from his brother. They were having, pain and sympathy. I sobbed helplessly when Sahil remained silent. He was just looking at the floor having completely helpless expressions.

"He....He killed him....!" I said to Sahil, like maybe he could understand the pain I was going through. My voice much quieter and exhausted. I was wiping the fresh tears but tonight they were stubborn. Aanya came closer and Sahil took two steps backwards. She pulled me into a tight hug but today nothing gonna ease this pain.

"Then you are under arrest for driving after drinking alcohol and murdering Mr Abhi....!" as police said I listened small gasp of Aanya. Manik lifted his eyes up to me and for the first time I saw something in those cold eyes. Then he averted his face to the opposite direction. He walked towards police officers and surrendered himself.

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