Everything You Need To Know About Whats Happening Now

Start from the beginning

I don't like telling others what to do on their accounts or in their life, it's a pet peeve of mine, but there are a few things that I'm fine with telling others what to do and that's one of them. Don't be rude. (Of course if they are doing bad things, I'll of course step in)

[Respect is another thing I say that everyone should have. Kindness and respect for everyone]

Don't go to someone's account demanding things and being rude. Don't demand things to be changed or to hurry an author up. It takes time to write and it to be the way the author wants it to be. So no rushing them.

I will be completely honest with all of you who read this.

I had a time when I wasn't in control of my account. Yes it was me, no, no one hacked my account, but the comments,

"update" "update please" "please update" "ugh update" "come on update" "I don't care about what's happening in your life, all I want is chapters" and so on, made me feel pressured, bad, guilt every time I got an comment like that, (then the straight out rude/hate comments) I even felt bad when I got nice comments like "update", "i love it, please update when can", "please update when can", so on because I still felt pressured to get something published for you all, and even at times it wasn't enough. It was either too short or more updates even though I just posted a chapter and so on.

It's hard to explain how I wasn't in control of my account, a few things I can explain is the "update" made me push to hard to post chapters that weren't fully to my liking or 'done', but the guilt of not posting something got to me to the point it wore me down, not out, but down.
Then, since I posted my books on this account when I didn't have a computer, but just a shitty phone and with and still with a learning disability, my first books were bad. I can agree they are bad, they're fine, but they are bad: a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes between them, but the amount of hate i got for anything, small or big or even because i live in a different state and laws slowly got to me, I didn't know it did, but it did.
Then the hate I got for my notes was astounding, annoying, rude and very disappointing.
It was really annoying to keep and still keep commenting things like, "if you don't like reading notes, don't read them then, but most of my notes are important to read. The first few notes please read, those ones are the most important ones, especially the warning ones. Again if you don't read them, fine, but please don't be shocked if you're shocked by something I've written down in them. There's a warning for reasons."
The disrespect that I get with comments like this, "I don't care about what's happening in your life, all I want is chapters, I don't care about what else your-". I have a life out of writing. Understand that.

Do understand that writers-Authors do have a life outside of their books, accounts. You don't know what's happening in their life; you don't know if they are struggling.

Some authors like talking about their lives. Telling you things that make them happy, sad or depressed. Some might need help.

So please, just please be nice to everyone.

With a mix of these reasons(example) and even more, I lost control of my account, posting and my time.

When I realized that I wasn't in control of my posting and what I wanted to write, I brought myself back to being incontrol.

I've brought myself back to the point of being incontrol of everything on here.

So thank you to everyone who was patient with me and stuck around. I very much appreciate it.

And understanding that your incontrol of your account, no one should come in and demand or push you to change how you write, or to post or to do anything you're not comfortable with.

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