Part One: New Student (1-5)

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When Caelan enters the school again he is met with the quiet stares of every student in the hall, including the spiky haired guy who shares a locker near him. Their gazes are not friendly but cold and in some ways frightened. He feels like a bug waiting to be crushed. He walks slowly down the hall to the stairway. Chatter dies down as he passes. People stopping their activity to stare at him. The weight of their silent judgment begins to crush him. He lowers his eyes to the floor and stares at his shoes as he walks up the stairs back to class. He feels his shoulders slump but his normal confident posture does not return. He opens the door to 2-A and the class is quiet immediately on his entry. He looks around. Everyone stares at him quietly. Others avoid his own gaze as if terrified. Caelan looks toward Mila who is studying, or pretending to. Rachel is glaring at him. The other guy, William, is watching him too. Scared but still watching. Caelan slinks into his chair and faces the window, trying to block out everyone else inside the room. He watches a bird fly into the vast skies beyond and wishes they could switch lives. He wants to fly away from whatever had occurred to make people stare and glare at him. He feels crushed when Rachel retakes her seat and ignores him completely. Upon his wish to be that bird flying away he makes another. A simpler and more realistic wish enters his mind. He wishes that his Uncle Tommy had packed him another juice box.

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