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April finished her Interview with Alsie, so the two make their way out of the office to find Leo jumping up and down and cheering with one of the other club's officers. April smiled to see him making friends so quickly. Leo was the most social of the turtles the others were fine with being in the sewers away from the outside world she could always tell Leo felt otherwise despite the mask he puts up.

"Leo! let's go," April waved for Leo to follow her. Leo immediately nodded before shaking the hand of everyone and then grabbing the deck he received from Alsie. He then skipped his way over to April.

"LEO! Will you be at our next meeting?!" One of the officers yelled as they left. Leo turned around to see the other officers waiting for his answer and Alsie leaning back in the doorway to the connecting office smiling an approving smile as she awaited his answer. Upon seeing her Leo straightened up with a large smile.

"You can count on it!" He shouted in response before spinning back around and out the door with April.

"You look like you had fun today," April remarked looking at his large smile."I didn't realize this nerd game was some much fun!" He exclaimed holding up his new deck of cards.

April laughed at his excitement happy to see him so happy, "so you never told me where you got this brooch?" She questioned looking at the golden star-shaped brooch that hide under his blue jacket.

Leo looks down at it almost forgetting that it was there, "oh I found it by a dumpster." He shrugged before turning his attention back to his deck of cards.

"Weird those things are pretty expensive. I wonder if the person who lost it is looking for it?" April wonders out loud grabbing the brooch to investigate it.

Leo quickly yanked the brooch out of her hand defensively, "well finders keepers!"April yanks her hand towards her chest and stops walking surprised at his sudden defensive behavior but Leo keeps walking down the street ignoring her confused stares. Out of the corner of his eye, Leo saw something to change the current subject. A smile appeared on his face as he looked inside the human pizza place and sees his human reflection standing in the crowded restaurant waiting in line. Everyone around his reflection was laughing and smiling with their friends and family enjoying pizza while he stood there with them.

"Let's grab a slice for Los hermanos!" He shouted, without even waiting for April he runs into the restaurant and joins the queue. He looks around giddily as no one even glanced in his direction or flinched at his appearance.

April was not far behind him joining him in line, Leo leans over to whisper to her, "can you believe it April no one is looking weirdly at me and I don't have to wear a funky disguise or anything!" His smile beamed, lighting up the room. April smiles letting him enjoy himself as he looks around at everyone.

When they finally reached the counter the tired teenager barely looked up at Leo before asking for his order, Leo cheerfully ordered six pizzas for his brothers, splinter and April. They finally left the restaurant with six pizza boxes as Leo skipped to the nearest entrance to the sewers.He lifted the manhole for April to begin her climb down before following carefully closing the manhole cover. Once they reach the bottom April started to make her way towards the lair only for Leo to quickly grab her by the shoulder she looked up at Leo who let off a serious tone but his eye held a pled to them "Can you promise not to tell my brothers?" He asked.

April gave a soft smile and responded with a nod after today she can see how happy being a normal human has made him feel. Knowing his brothers they will probably be a little hurt by how much fun he had today being a normal human and not a mutant turtle or they will try and steal the brooch from him.

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